Hey, this may be off-topic, but we have some news. A tiktoker was found on imgflip.
Time to fight back: imgflip.com/i/58tx7q
Who's with me?!? (Please tell other members about this, it's time for war.)
people can like what they want, forcing opinions down other people's throat is not smart. Dont harass people just because they like tiktok. I agree tiktok is bad but harassing someone is just stupid.
0 ups, 4y
“Forcing onions down people’s throats is NotSmart” are you calling me toxic?
2 ups, 4y,
2 replies
Damn, who the heck cares about ONE TikToker lol Imma report for spam, man
not literally just one tiktoker, We have to go to the app store and OBLITERATE TIKTOK. With all of us united, We can defeat TikTok and it's cringe once and for all.