I knew it!
The figure, as estimated, is right around 22 million, and I did not say illegal human, I said "ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT. If you are here in this country illegally, you are an illegal immigrant:
ILLEGAL: adjective
il·le·gal | \ (ˌ)i(l)-ˈlē-gəl \
Definition of illegal (Entry 1 of 2)
: not according to or authorized by law : UNLAWFUL, ILLICIT
also : not sanctioned by official rules
im·mi·grant | \ ˈi-mə-grənt \
Definition of immigrant
: one that immigrates: such as
a: a person who comes to a country to take up permanent residence
b: a plant or animal that becomes established in an area where it was previously unknown
put the two together
ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT: illegal alien/immigrant noun
Definition of illegal alien/immigrant
: a foreign person who is living in a country without having official permission to live there
Oh, but they DO vote and twats like you encourage them to vote. They pay mostly local sales taxes, but by and far they pay NO FEDERAL TAXES or STATE TAXES. ANd most of them send a good portion of their dollars back to the countries of their origin.
Are you saying only illegal immigrants and poor people "of color" are allowed to collect forms of assistance from the US Government?
My, oh, my...look at who's being RACIST!!
No one is propping up the great State of Texas, Vato.
No, I live in a standard house. My people stopped living in mud huts 1273 years before your people, so...
yeeeaaahhh...your "Indigenous" peoples came to this continent from some other continent eons ago. They didn't just magically appear here from the soil, like a rutabaga.
The fact of the matter is those indigenous people did mix with the Spanish (White Europeans) and the French (White Europeans) and later Germans ( again, White Europeans). So the f**k what?
Your precious Native Indians were just as blood-soaked as those you are denigrating. They, also, broke numerous treaties. Especially here in Texas...the Apache and the Comanches were absolutely murderous and cruel. They would descend upon a farm and
kill all the adult males,cut their p**ises off and stuffed them in their mouth. They raped, then killed the women, and enslaved their children and tormented them with cruel tortures in the fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan (stolen from John Kerry, ha ha).
I am a first generation American. My ancestors owned no slaves nor killed any Indians. I don't owe you or anyone else a damned thing.