Excuse me, the bible is not the direct word of god. It's not like God or Jesus wrote the bible. I believe homophobia has existed since humans, however, homosexuality has existed since before humans. Let's just ignore that lesbians are entirely ignored by Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13, and just keep going with my main point. The bible has gone through several rewordings and mistranslations. I, personally, have not read the original, but I recommend you do so you can completely validate your statements actually being in the bible. Remember the "man shall not sleep with man" homophobe power card? I believe that is a mistranslation. Moving on. Homophobia has had no base until the bible was written, which was indeed thousands of years ago, but this point still stands.
You can argue with that, so let's throw that "baseless" accusation away. First of all, this one you can't deny, if what you are saying is indeed true and correct, not everyone is Christian. In fact, not everyone has a religion. How can you argue with that? Second of all, Leviticus 20:13 uses the term "capital offense". That's dealing with laws, not sins. That's completely unrelated to religion, even if it is true, therefore Leviticus 20:13 is down, except in some countries where that is still correct. There is still Leviticus 18:22, though. and this is easier than Leviticus 20:13. Aren't we all sinners?
If that is true, then it hardly matters.
Third of all, "detestable" sins aren't different. Detestable means hated. This may have been true before, but not anymore. And I'm not just gonna skip over the fact that these only position males as sinners for homosexuality.
Feel free to argue, but unless you can throw concrete evidence at me that God wrote the bible, and capital offenses are religious, AND that sins are all treated differently, my point still stands.