Biases and hypocrisy are two separate things.
Sure, CNN has a bias against Trump!
But that doesn't prove hypocrisy. Hypocrisy requires two different people doing the same exact thing and only one receiving more criticism than the other. While, yes... having a bias for, say Biden, and against Trump; and only criticizing one for the same action as the other did, then that would certainly be hypocrisy.
At no point is such a contrast of similar ideas made apparent here. Furthermore, the article on how family leave is bad, which is easy enough to find, doesn't specifically blame Trump for it being bad but rather the policy itself. The criticism stems from similar past government-mandates being ultimately harmful and then goes on to constructively purpose an alternative that doesn't require such a mandate. There is nothing here that even begins to engage in hypocrisy.
Considering how much biased media sells, I don't think you really have a problem with it. Nor would anyone who truly favors such capitalism. On it's face, biased media is more of a pick your own flavor issue. Not inherently wrong that. A very American idea to choose your own media that adheres to your personal political bias. You can prefer Tucker Carlson and someone else can prefer Don Lemon.
If Carlson criticized Biden for something Trump did; then that would be hypocrisy.
If Lemon criticized Trump for something Obama did; then that would be hypocrisy.
If you watch and agree with Tucker Carlson but find CNN repulsive because it is biased; then that would be hypocrisy.