i know you guys find analysis a challenge, so I'll help you, but it's just this one last time, ok? he was saying after taking office that there was a huge negative momentum to overcome and simply ousting the Fuhrer wouldn't resolve the crisis in any immediate way. it did resolve our approach to the crisis, as suddenly the rescue was on sound footing and it would have its fair chance to do its best job. but that job would still take months.
now, while I have your attention, let's think of some strategies to resolve the bigger crisis of almost half a nation working actively to frustrate success and resist unification. and it seems to me that unification requires first some serious depolarization. obviously, the first steps will need to be taken by the right-wingers because, in your opinion, the moderates and left-wingers are outrageously out of step with propriety and reality.
a good first step might be some fake apologies for, well, basically everything you've said and done since the year you all first elected W. Bush. it will demonstrate first your awareness that something like that needs to happen as well as, let's be honest, the horror of his time in office. we, in our turn, will admit sincerely and without bias or shame, that the great successes of Obama and those of Biden yet to come were to a large extent only possible because of the crap piles they were handed at the beginnings of their first terms. these first actions would stand out for their demonstration of apparent unexpected reflection and effort on the part of your team, and they should serve as a shining beacon of what can be accomplished if people are only willing to admit their own lack of judgment and strategic capability and their consequent willingness to hand the reins off to mature adults.
i want to salute you and thank you in advance for helping to get this started. I recognize that you'll certainly be taking a hit in the short term on your reputation for irredeemable crapitude. God bless you and I'm sure He'll welcome you back to a semblance of reasonability, albeit again not yet real or completely of your own making.