No sarcasm here today.
1 Background checks. OK we have them. if you mean Universal BC, that is a non starter, because there is no way to enforce it. (For goodness sake there is a Federal Law against a fellow attempting to buy a firearm , and thousands fill out form 4473 Naitonal Instant background Check System, and are denied yearly. The form contains their name and address and there are ZERO prosecutions.) Why, because ATF is not doing their job now and you want to increase their load.
2a Waiting periods have been found to not do anything to limit crime by States that had them and repealed them. (Point in fact, the Boulder shooter bought his firearm legally and waited 6 days before going on a killing spree.)
2b So, I go into a store and have to wait 5, 10, 15 days before I can pick up my new gun. I don't know how that will do anything since I have one on my hip and several in my safe.
2c A lady I n Northcarolina had a restraining order against her x. she was waiting for permission to buy a handgun, when her x shot her to death in her driveway.
3 I see you o not believe in due process, so there is no point in eving posting a response to Red Flag Laws.
If you have a big brain, wrap it around that.