If I get 100 women toether that all say they're feminists and when I ask them to raise their hands if they hate men, and 95 of them raise their hands, that group is defined by that overwhelmingly common characteristic.
Similarly, if I get 100 KKK members and ask them to raise their hands if they hate minorities and 95 hands go up, that vast majority decide that that characteristic is what defines their group.
If the five KKK members that didn't raise there hands went around saying 'Well those 95 others aren't REAL KKK members', they'd look like idiots - Similarly, when the 5 feminists that don't hate men say 'Those other 95 aren't REAL feminists', they look like idiots too.
Sorry to break it to you, but you enthusiastically support a hate group - The main difference is instead of spoopy hats, you dye your hair blue.