Hey, let’s blame the rising cases on people wearing cloth on their faces instead of the exponential growth of the virus, the people not social distancing, and the variants!
What a great idea!
Masks prevent something like 99.9% of germs from entering your mouth and nose. When more than one person wears a mask the amount of germs that get through are minuscule
N95 masks do. Cloth and nylon do not. They really got ripped for revealing the truth on gaiters not doing squat. If you touch your face 20 times an hour regularly how many more times is it now that we have masks? Get healthy or get sick. That's the natural law.
Masking everytime this happens and shutting down businesses is not a viable option.
Exactly correct! They reduce transmission, but not eliminate. And they work best when you’re walking down the street with nobody within 20 yards of you