You should spend some time thinking about how being presented by racist stereotypes at a young age could impact someone's thinking throughout their life. (also, see CaelOswald's reply below for a perfect example how)
Hey! Either go back to school or use Google! The Nazi's were members of a political party! They were the Nationalist German Socialist Party or Nazi for short. (JFC! The dumbing down of our nation is in full force!)
Hahaha. No. That is not how it works. I wasn't referring to the Republican party just now. I was referring to Hitler and his followers. Nazis were a political party basically. I was pointing out that that is what they were like. They were really bad. Just ask Anne Frank--oh wait. You can't. She died in a concentration camp because of Nazis.
I think you were confusing Nazis and Germans. The Nazis were a German political party. There were also goo Germans who didn't follow Hitler. But those that followed him were Nazis. There is a difference.