Yeah, no, that's not what happened at all.
Charles Stuart was very much a monarch infamous for believing in the Divine Right of Kings, meaning that he not only believed there should be a King, and that it should be him, but that he should have unlimited power because his position was backed by God. If you can name something about monarchy that you would find tyrranical, Charles I did it. Seized wealth for the crown from private merchants with no legal basis. Abolished the legilature so that he alone could write and rewrite laws. Corrupt cronies in office. Tyrranical executions. He wasn't just pro-monarchy - he was THE king to abuse monarchial power.
It took a brutal 9 year civil war to remove him from power and behead him. DID I SAY THAT CLEARLY? THEY HAD TO CUT HIS HEAD OFF TO ABOLISH THE MONARCHY. THAT'S NOT SOMETHING HE DID, IT WAS SOMETHING DONE TO HIM. And in the power struggle that followed, the man who took over was Oliver Cromwell, Britain's only dictator in history. Charles II would restore the monarchy in 1660 following Cromwell's death and people were king of glad to just have a bit of normalcy back, since it was Cromwell in all this who was the one that y'all would consider to be a bit socialisty (although he was more technically a Puritanical theocrat).
Neither Charles I nor Oliver Cromwell were particularly Democracy friendly. Cromwell's dictatorship was a republic but again, you would have absolutely hated him in every way; Britain pretty much turned into a police state in the name of national security under his dictatorship.