Yeah, when you're drinking a couple strong beers in the morning before work, you need to stop drinking. I've never been into hard alcohol, so it's not like I was ever at risk of becoming hardcore physically addicted, simply because it's much, much easier to get there with 80 proof alcohol than it is wine or beer. But, I was way more dependent on it than one should be. I feel so much f**king better it is insane! Haven't felt this good in many years. I feel different, in that my determination to quit feels way more real than it did when I attempted this in the last 5 years or so. Anyhow, thanks for the "good for you", as some people I know think it is humorous, like I cannot do it, and others don't want to see their drinking buddy go away. Oh well, I have to do what is right for me.
I may need to start checking out the Foodz stream. Actually, I do need to. Gonna look into that today or tomorrow. The chicken dish sounds very good. Not something I've heard of before.