The "asymptomatic" usually don't have covid and there is no need to inflict unnecessary big government bullshit on others who aren't sick. Quarantine is when you restrict the movement of sick of people, tyranny is when you restrict the movement of healthy people. You think you are soooo smart and high and mighty for wearing a mask, quit your arrogance. The trials seem to prove that wearing masks in general public spaces is ineffective in stopping the spread of the virus and European nations have nation-wide mask mandates yet covid cases skyrocketed. If you ask me, this is nothing but a bunch of fear-mongering and hysteria and that you used caps lock really proves how much you fall for the deranged hysteria. If you want to wear a mask, that's up to you but just stop acting like a paranoid hysteric, people don't get sick from others not wearing masks. People get sick whether they cover their face or not and you are just playing an irrational blame game. I highly suggest you take that "brain deads" meme back because it's nothing but a shitty, snot-nosed display of arrogance. You don't overcome diseases by living in fear and imposing your paranoid hysteria on others, you overcome diseases by actually taking care of your health.