Dude! What are you even talking about. No one is obsessing over your made up word or Mr Potato Head. "Transtesticle".... Is that a testicle that is mutating into an ovary?
What the left ALWAYS leaves out about allowing male sexual predators to temporarily identify as a woman is the fact that this law applies to ALL public bathrooms, locker rooms and showers. This means a horny teenage boy can identify as a woman just to get into the girls locker room and showers in high school. Do you have even the slightest clue how traumatic that is to young girls? No. No liberal ever thinks or cares about anything like that. Liberals just do whatever the their overlords tell them.
You know.... for a political movement that boasts that they are for women rights you sure have a piss poor track record. You set up a law that is extremely easy to abuse by sexual predators by allowing a male, without being able to question them, to declare they feel like a woman and go into public bathrooms, locker rooms and showers. Then you let men who aren't good enough to complete with men, announce that they are now a woman so they can complete with women. And in some of those sports competition the real women are getting severely injured because men are on average 40% stronger than women.
All of this is done to the 99% just so you can appease the 1%. And then you call us morons.