I was looking at the data on these shots FOUR YEARS AGO. I was reading the side effects —misnomer— they’re actually desired effects— before the shots were even released.
Myocarditis pericarditis paralysis bloodclots stroke heart attack blindness tinnitus sterility … TURBO CANCER! all the good ones.
You’re so well informed that you already know that DARPA patented the killshots YEARS BEFORE “Warp Speed,” right? You know that Murderna is just the commercial outlet for DARPA & Pentagon & CIA, ya? Sure, moonbat has to know that. Why else willingly offer your own body as an experiment? You’re getting paid six-figures, right? Or you’re paid Seven-figures? I mean, for a pin-cushion experimental rat who DEFENDS & PROMOTES the damn DNA-changing graphene self-assembling nanobots internal AI gene therapy….. it better be because of making million$. Myself, I would still never do that. But… I can’t be bought. I can’t be Programmed. I’m satisfied with my decisions. Thrilled, actually.
You too… ya? L O L O L O L