It’s a mock-puppet Presidency run terribly by Scar. If this were my stream, I’d stick my role as founder and farm out government to those elected. Like Saddam Hussein, Captain-Scar runs his stream like a dictator/King with a rubber stamp sham Congress that he disbanded himself when he took away their mod power. Like Saddam, who too lied that he was a democratic leader, Captain_Scar puts on a show of being democratic when he puts people on trial without evidence and clearly makes decisions that only a king could.
Captain_Scar is what? 13 years old?? Just leave this stream. Again, Scar’s stream is a shadow play of “Lord of the Flies” with kids overrunning it who clearly have no parental supervision at home monitoring their internet activity. If Richard is truly 37+ years old as he told Moo+, then that makes him a creeper adult bullying these kids. So just move on. If this is “Lord of the Flies”, a parable of the dangers of fascism, then that makes you Piggy. Just peace out and let this shit show rot itself out like the cancer it is. Cheers