I just re-read my meme and I should have worded one party differently. Instead of "In other words, they just to tax businesses, private investors, or people who sell their houses...", it should read "In other words, they just to tax businesses, private investors, or homeowners".
This tax is a presumptive tax. It presumes that you might sell something and they want to tax it regardless if you sell or not. Homeowners might sell their house but most likely they aren't. But if your equity is over a certain amount (I think it is $250,000 but I am not sure) then if you sold you would pay some percentage (again I don't know what that is either) in capital gains tax.
I haven't read if they are going to exempt homeowners or not. All I read is that they are proposing a presumptive capital gains tax that will be imposed on an annual bases.
This is just another reason why ABSOLUTELY NO ONE SHOULD EVER VOTE DEMOCRAT unless you hate America, everyone that lives in America and everything that America stands for. And if that is you then why do you even live here? Democrats are killing America. They are traitors to the Constitution.