I assume this was inspired by Mr. or Ms. ChildAbusePreventer -- a brand-new account (literally created today) who appears to be raising an important issue but whom I believe is simply stirring the pot for perhaps nefarious reasons.
This ChildAbusePreventer's ideas have been roundly and rightly rejected by the Imgflippers at LGBTQ and elsewhere for intruding into their personal lives and feelings.
If this person has credible allegations of child abuse supported by evidence -- and I don't know why they would, if they really are a brand-new account and not anyone's alt as they claim -- then they should come forth with it, and in private, to a site mod so that a proper investigation can be launched.
They shouldn't strut around white-knighting, wielding the vague notion of child abuse like a ten-ton hammer to promote their own agenda, and trying to gaslight young people into thinking homosexual feelings are not appropriate until age 18 or not appropriate at all.
To my knowledge, homosexual urges begin at the exact same time as heterosexual urges -- i.e. around puberty.
So I think a good starting point would be actually listening to young memers themselves and not to these self-proclaimed very concerned adults seeking to speak for them.