I can actually use the Capitol riot as a really good example for this:
The permit for the Save America (eyeroll) March specified that 30,000 people could be present. I think I read on CNN somewhere that 20,000 showed, so let’s ballpark it as 25,000 (for the sake of discussion).
25,000 people cared enough about their values that they showed up to support the President who met those values more closely than a President Biden would. However, only 400 actually attacked the Capitol. So, out of 25,000 Trump supporters, only 400 were fanatical enough to break our democratic traditions and actually try to cause anarchical violence. What’s percentage of 25,000 is 400? Very small. I think that ratio is relatively indicative of the National ratio of fanatical Trump supporters to those conservatives who voted for him because we generally care less about personal conduct and more about actual policy.
Liberals, who tend to value personal conduct and policy equally, then see this massive support for Trump as massive support for his personal values, but this simply is not true. You may think I’m being anecdotal, but this is the mindset difference between the two parties.
Therefore, I do think it’s unfair and offensive of you to essentially accuse almost 80 million Americans of being (insert -obe/-ist word here). Yeah, some of our number voted for Trump for flawed personal reasons, but most people simply decided he was better for our economy, foreign policy, and individual liberty than Biden. You may disagree with them on any of those points, but disagreeing on policy isn’t grounds for shouting someone down and saying they’re can’t vote a certain way or else they’re (again, insert -obe/-ist word here). It really isn’t too broad a stroke with a highly offensive brush.
With regards to the Capitol speech specifically, I’d like you to watch Rand Paul’s speech on the subject, as I’m in his boat. What happened was horrible, because all riots are wrong. However, saying Trump directly incited it is a tough fall, because LOTS of politicians have used the words he did (“fight” “defend” “liberate”, etc) in speeches regarding peaceful policy. We are a hyperbolic people, so this sudden transition to a literal critique, even with hindsight, is to me a double standard.
Again, I’m glad the rioters were arrested, and I will gladly link Sen. Paul’s speech if you’re interested.