What the hell are you babbling about?
What parties were there during the Revolution to start with?
The Civil War was not started by Democrats. In fact, the only Democrats who fought in it were in the Union Army (that's the North, fyi).
Same goes for the rest of your nonsense. Wars are not fought by parties, they're fought by armies, as authorized by the goverment.
Sure, CONservatives love war, it proves how Christian and fiscally responsible they are or some crap, hence the post 1960s switch in which party loves to promotes them (not that the 'other' party has TOO much difficulty acquiescing to them). But certain circumstances, like 1812, the Civil War, WWI, WWII, Korea, or us having to appease France by helping them to reassert control of Vietnam and the rest of Indochina would have ended up with our involvement regardless if there's a D or R appended to the President's name.Sucks, I know.
The crap you said about Obama is a hoot.
ISIL began an Al Queda offshoot which utilized members of the disbanded Iraqi army in 2004, 5 years before Obama even became President. It is funded by Saudi Arabia and Qatar, supplied by Turkey. The 2017 ops against them that Trump took credit for was the final piece of a plan Obama began in 2014.
Not that that matters much, as ISIL - which still exists and is still causing problems, especially in Syria, btw - was routed in that field by Kurdish Peshmerga and Iraqi militia under none other than General Qasem Soleimani - yeah, THAT guy - and his Iranian fighters, who like in Syria, form the largest contingent of foreign soldiers fighting ISIL - more than the US and Russian COMBINED. Yup, that's why we called him a terrorist, because he lead the fight in 'our' war for us against ISIL. Same with the Kurdish fighters in Syria Capt Bone Spurs handed to Turkey, freeing 1000 ISILs in the process.
But in a way Obama IS responsible for ISIL, as his campaign of surgical drone strikes against Al Queda's top brass which left them without leadership and disarray created a vacuum ISIL stepped in to fill. Hooray for facts.
I just skimmed through your bs, it's just a pile of revisionist lies, and embarrassingly cumbersome ones at that, much like your incredibly uninformed take on Birth of a Nation, which you claimed was made by Woodrow Wilson himself, as a documentary about his KKK Secret Service, yadda yadda.
'scuse my typos,,,