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Banned from Twitter, they posted fake tweets in his name. What a source of pride for leftists, we can't have people like this.

Banned from Twitter, they posted fake tweets in his name. What a source of pride for leftists, we can't have people like this. | Profile of a "Domestic Terrorist"; Supported Donald Trump; Owns a business that employs over 2500 people. Former Drug addict, who found Christ before he completely augured in. Started a non-profit foundation he alone funds to help other addicts find hope. Provided funding for the pro-life movie, "Unplanned" which exposed Planned Parenthood as a for profit corporation; Openly Christian | image tagged in mike lindell | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
2,768 views β€’ 97 upvotes β€’ Made by sevenheart 4 years ago in politics
Mike Lindell memeCaption this Meme
10 ups, 4y,
3 replies
This guy should be thrown in prison for his crime of being a Christian alone. πŸ™„
2 ups, 4y,
1 reply
Just because someone isn't a uneducated atheist like you they should be thrown in prison? you should rephrase that BUDDY.
4 ups, 4y,
2 replies
I guess you never heard of sarcasm. I'm a Christian myself, so yeah ....
2 ups, 4y
Oh Dang it my bad
1 up, 4y,
1 reply
That doesn't sound like sarcasm to me
5 ups, 4y,
1 reply
The πŸ™„ emoji should have given it away.
4 ups, 4y,
1 reply
Laughing Leo Meme | image tagged in memes,laughing leo | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
The only thing that matters is that were not dumb liberals
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
Say the person that tells people to go to jail over religion and can’t spell lol
2 ups, 4y
(says the person that tells people to go to jail over religion and can't spell lol) Ummmm learn how to spell names please. because i wasn't the one who said it you moron. Lol You can't spell you hypocrite Shut up and pay more attention...
1 up, 4y,
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that's kinda racist ngl
10 ups, 4y,
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1) I was being sarcastic.

2) Christianity isn't a race.
8 ups, 4y,
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4 ups, 4y
0 ups, 4y
oh ok then nvm
1 up, 4y
8 ups, 4y,
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"That otherwise normal and rational people will switch off their ability to think logically in order support a delusional state of mind about a invisible sky daddy."

You'll find out soon enough whether He's real or not. I hope for your sake you come around before you meet Him.

"Religion is a stain on mankind that they use to justify their bigotry, racism and greed"

I agree for the most part.
4 ups, 4y
He will.
0 ups, 4y
6 ups, 4y,
3 replies
Your god is a fraud. Isaac Newton, scientific genius or delusional sky daddy guy? Yeah, he left a stain. Christianity (if you actually study it instead of take Karl Marx's word on it) is opposed to bigotry, racism and greed. Quite a stain on mankind indeed. You smear thousands of the greatest scientists of all history with your ignorant comments. And as Terminator says, I too hope for your sake that you come around, because the time is so short (which if you knew anything about the Bible you mock, checking end times agenda items off the prophetic list is happening at an accelerating rate). Even you are prophesied. One world government? One world currency? Just read the World Economic Forum's agenda. Good luck, you are in for a very rude awakening.
0 ups, 4y
why on earth will i trust a human over a God?
1 up, 4y,
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1 up, 4y,
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Temple Institute and other organizations have the temple pre-fabbed and ready to complete in less than a year, they have Islamic support to build it, just working on the Israeli govt, which is the only roadblock. World Economic Forum is holding their annual "virtual meeting" right now laying out their plan to create a one world government and economy to solve globalist warming and the horrible globalist plandemic. They want to "chip" everyone to mark who has the vaccine, don't have your shots and you won't be permitted to buy or sell, cash will be gone, all digital currency. Biden Admin on board. Russia, Iran and Turkey have formed their alliance as prophesied, ready to attack Israel when the whole world abandons them (kind of like when BHO agreed to attack Israel if they bombed Iranian nuclear facilities- oops Biden has reassembled the old antisemitic team). And the nations Trump negotiated peace deals with Israel (just like prophecy) will not participate in a war on Israel, but will stand on the sidelines and ask why. With the pandemic no one heard about other foreshadowing events, like the locust plague in Africa, the 400%increase in 6.0 and higher earthquakes. I could go on, but I'm sure you'll say it's all a coincidence.
0 ups, 4y,
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1 up, 4y
No, archeologists say the original temples were not located under Al Asqa or the Dome of the Rock. There's a large soccer field maintained by the Muslims where they will allow the rebuilt Temple. Moderate Muslims enthusiastically support it. You understand the Bible so I don't need to explain the common heritage of Abraham. The Jews are wanting to restore Temple Sacrifice to restore peace to the world (their words, not mine). Info is out there if you care to find it. Long list for rebuttal. ROSH is Russia, not just in Biblical literature. USGS earthquake frequency data, even the Weather Channel notes it. Chipping etc is what the WEF is saying. Klaus Schwab says they want to give you a chip that will read your thoughts, say stuff like reading your thoughts they can give you something for depression when you feel blue. What could possibly go wrong with that? I agree WEF can't make a one world govt, but Climate Czar John Kerry told them that the Biden Administration is on board with the Great Reset and that it will be implemented in the US faster and with greater intensity than people think. They spell it all out on their website, as the cliche goes, read it and you decide.
So starting with Israel returning to their homeland in 1948, no other nation in history survived more than 400 years without a homeland, 70 ad to 1948 sets a record. Hebrew was a dead language in 1900, brought back to life, as prophesied. Read Zechariah 10, God says He'll whistle and His people will return to Israel from all over the world, get this until no more room is found for them. Ha ha, except Jews worldwide are spontaneously emigrating to Israel, and in November the Jerusalem Post reported there is no more room, big problem.
Damascus will cease to be a city- that was always a big hitch in the prophecy for me, until Israeli satellite surveillance showed Saddam Hussein moving all his WMDs to Syria where they were buried in a ring around, get this, Damascus. Oh is that funny. Israel was baffled why GWBushitler wouldn't share the intelligence with the world when he was being attacked for lying about WMDs. I heard an Israeli intelligence officer give a speech on it, incredible satellite imagery. So you see, it's not a civil war in Syria, ISIS wanted the WMDs to destroy Israel, Iran wants the WMDs to destroy Israel and their Sunnis Islamic enemies so Damascus is being completely destroyed, again horrifying ground photos and satellite imagery. Love to chat, gotta go.
1 up, 4y
Oh, I just have to say it, the Marxist Pope, mullahs, Protestants, rabbis, Hindus, Buddhists and others all signed a pact to unify religion and combat globalist warming. Like he said, end tmes agenda items are being checked off the list faster than you can keep track of.
Everyone believed in alchemy, it was the science of the day, like globull warning is today. Newton wrote thousands of pages on Christianity, so the claim that science and belief in God are mutually exclusive is absurd. Newton was only one example of thousands of Christian, Muslim, Hindu and Buddhist scientists. Atheists want everyone to believe they're the only ones who can claim science. I have to laugh at how lame their godless science can be.
1 up, 4y
Thank You Octavia for putting that knowledge out. I was trying my best to put it out the cleanest and most mannered way i could but i couldn't find a way!!
1 up, 4y,
3 replies
Cool when you ignore all the evil that is contained within the pages of the bible. The evil your imaginary "god" ordered and condones to this very day.

The only thing the bible is "inspired" by is man kinds lust for power, money and control.
3 ups, 4y,
1 reply
And Isaac Newton? Oh you aren't here tp learn anything or say anything than what you've been trained to say like a trained monkey.
My God isn't evil, He's Merciful, Just, Truth and Love. Uh, the evil in the Bible is from mankind and God telling them to knock it off or there will be repercussions. You don't know anything. But that's okay, to be a liberal you don't have to know anything that resembles the truth. Carry on.
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3 ups, 4y,
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God didn't kill the firstborn, the Angel of Death did. God allowed it to happen due to mankind's list for power and world domination. Pharaoh refused to give up God's chosen people and therefore suffered for it.
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What God does is just. He has every right to do what He feels is necessary. It is all part of a plan, which we will never fully understand until we're with Him in our second and final life.

What I meant by world domination wasn't necessarily about the Egyptians. I was talking about events in the Bible and even today. Turning against God isn't a wise thing to do.
1 up, 4y,
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As a human being, a sinner, I don't have the right to determine what is just and what is not. God is just and fair, man is not.
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2 ups, 4y,
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Yeah there's a lot of evil in the Bible. Ya know it talks about the Devil and the flesh. ;P
3 ups, 4y,
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Uh, the evil in the Bible is from mankind and God telling them to knock it off or there will be repercussions. You don't know anything. But that's okay, to be a liberal you don't have to know anything that resembles the truth. Carry on.
2 ups, 4y
I meant it talks about evil. Yep humans are pretty evil. I don't think we disagree on this point.
1 up, 4y,
1 reply
Your talking point is pure subjective reasoning not objective. You may have had actually read the bible.

But you in no way read it in a objective way.

This might stun you but there are republicans who are atheist. Personal political views play no part in religion

The fact you clearly think it does exposes your only being subjective. Not Objective
1 up, 4y,
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Doesn't stun me at all, my dad was an atheist and a Republican. Surely you aren't that comfortable with the destruction of constitutional rights, even for people you don't agree with? If rights can be taken from one, they will be taken from all. That's simple history. Take away Mike Lindell's right to live as he choses and your rights are in peril. People like Lindell and me are targets of The Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2021 that Biden is likely to sign when it get's through Congress. The "crime"? White person, obviously male, libertarians, anyone who loves freedom, liberty, maybe has an American flag, Religious "extremists", Christians, evangelical Christians, pro-life. Sure. The Domestic Terrorist is simply anyone who thinks for himself and doesn't march in lock step with the Democrats. I've never committed a crime in my life (beside smoking pot in college). I fit the profile of a Domestic Terrorist. Guess that's the way it goes.
1 up, 4y
Great another fake patriot wants to bring up The Constitution. I am 100X more about the constitution that Republicans or Democrats.

You are no different than the Dems you cherry pick and subjectively interpret the constitution just like "religious" people cherry pick their bibles

I choose to judge the constitution by it's actual text.

I don't make shit up in order to justify violating it. Politicians create unconstitutional laws.

Cops then act upon them by harassing, arresting, and even killing Americans.

And the the courts RUBBER STAMP it
1 up, 4y,
3 replies
So the devil made "god" do all those evil things huh? Guess "god" is not very powerful
2 ups, 4y
What evil things?
2 ups, 4y,
1 reply
God doesn't do evil things, and I think therein is where your mistake lies.
0 ups, 4y,
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God IS evil he created all things.

Only a evil sky daddy would allow a Satan to exist. Your sad attempts to justify your imaginary god is only lowering your own ability to think rationally
0 ups, 4y,
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He created a sinless being, who then chose evil. He allows free will, which I personally am glad of. If you're not a fan of free will I guess that's fine.
0 ups, 4y,
2 replies
You think you have total free will?

Ok make a "free will" choice to love a food you actually can not stand the taste of

Choose to be gay

make a free will choice to love a movie you hate.

Make a free will choice to hate someone you love

The choices you make are based on many things but free will is not one of them
0 ups, 4y
You purposely chose to ignore the point

You can not use free will to like or hate something you just do. Therefor you don't have free will.

You may have suddenly started to like a movie you once did not like. But it happened naturally you did not use FREE WILL to choose to like it

Therefor Free will does not exist in the context you think it does

Your thoughts and ideas are not controlled by free will
0 ups, 4y
The first one is a taste, which is inherent to the object. If you like it, you like it.

The second one is definitely a choice. (Or sometimes I guess parents raise children and try to convince them they're gay.)

The third I've done before. I've flip flopped on movies many times.

Make a free will choice to hate someone I love? There's no reason why I should.
0 ups, 4y
2 ups, 4y,
1 reply
I think the Bible was a great attempt at trying to help people become better human beings. The only problem is, well, people. Humans are eternally flawed. Mankind's lust for power, money and control is embodied in people who use religion as a tool to manipulate, as a veil to hide their evil intentions behind... people like Trump. He's got that charm or charisma or whatever it is Cult45 sees in him to blind them from the truth of his and their actions. Trump is the proverbial wolf in sheep's clothing. Someday they will come to realize this and be ashamed.
2 ups, 4y
You were making a fine point and then fumbled into a unstable attempt to attack Trump.. my god. How long will it take for you people to stop mentioning that guy?
4 ups, 4y,
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Like I told the others in this Echo Chamber you guys or gals must have been really butt hurt over who that guy is or was.

Apparently anyone who comes in here is someone named "Timber"
3 ups, 4y,
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0 ups, 4y
Only ones who keep bringing him or her up is YOU and the others. So you are telling yourself crazy crap
0 ups, 4y,
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May you explain how do people prayers come true. He's not a sky daddy he's The God
0 ups, 4y,
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Prayers that come true?

Ok what did you pray for that came true? Then answer why prayers don't come true

None of your talking points will prove something happened because you "prayed" for it.
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
Everything of what u just said was wrong. Prayers come true in someway rather it's god or not they come true. now explain.
0 ups, 4y,
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Since you did not answer my question I'll move on
0 ups, 4y
Go head...
0 ups, 4y
Ok, can't argue with that.
0 ups, 4y
No no There are "Christians" who actually follow these freaks lolol watch and have a scary chuckle
0 ups, 4y
Orange Cheeto god LOL XD
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Mike Lindell memeCaption this Meme
Created with the Imgflip Meme Generator
Profile of a "Domestic Terrorist"; Supported Donald Trump; Owns a business that employs over 2500 people. Former Drug addict, who found Christ before he completely augured in. Started a non-profit foundation he alone funds to help other addicts find hope. Provided funding for the pro-life movie, "Unplanned" which exposed Planned Parenthood as a for profit corporation; Openly Christian