No, archeologists say the original temples were not located under Al Asqa or the Dome of the Rock. There's a large soccer field maintained by the Muslims where they will allow the rebuilt Temple. Moderate Muslims enthusiastically support it. You understand the Bible so I don't need to explain the common heritage of Abraham. The Jews are wanting to restore Temple Sacrifice to restore peace to the world (their words, not mine). Info is out there if you care to find it. Long list for rebuttal. ROSH is Russia, not just in Biblical literature. USGS earthquake frequency data, even the Weather Channel notes it. Chipping etc is what the WEF is saying. Klaus Schwab says they want to give you a chip that will read your thoughts, say stuff like reading your thoughts they can give you something for depression when you feel blue. What could possibly go wrong with that? I agree WEF can't make a one world govt, but Climate Czar John Kerry told them that the Biden Administration is on board with the Great Reset and that it will be implemented in the US faster and with greater intensity than people think. They spell it all out on their website, as the cliche goes, read it and you decide.
So starting with Israel returning to their homeland in 1948, no other nation in history survived more than 400 years without a homeland, 70 ad to 1948 sets a record. Hebrew was a dead language in 1900, brought back to life, as prophesied. Read Zechariah 10, God says He'll whistle and His people will return to Israel from all over the world, get this until no more room is found for them. Ha ha, except Jews worldwide are spontaneously emigrating to Israel, and in November the Jerusalem Post reported there is no more room, big problem.
Damascus will cease to be a city- that was always a big hitch in the prophecy for me, until Israeli satellite surveillance showed Saddam Hussein moving all his WMDs to Syria where they were buried in a ring around, get this, Damascus. Oh is that funny. Israel was baffled why GWBushitler wouldn't share the intelligence with the world when he was being attacked for lying about WMDs. I heard an Israeli intelligence officer give a speech on it, incredible satellite imagery. So you see, it's not a civil war in Syria, ISIS wanted the WMDs to destroy Israel, Iran wants the WMDs to destroy Israel and their Sunnis Islamic enemies so Damascus is being completely destroyed, again horrifying ground photos and satellite imagery. Love to chat, gotta go.