Most of that is nonsensical BS. lol. Regardless, if a court won't even look into allegations, how do you prove what you saw with your eyes, or even caught on film? If you can't prove what was in a box (like ballots added or thrown away), what you saw doesn't mean anything in court. Just because the fraud was not provable, it doesn't mean there was no fraud. Remember the dumped ballots found by a river bank? Probably not because you sound like a CNN viewer. Lots of pole workers and watchers saw lots of wrongdoing and law breaking, but if nobody looks into it, it never happened. lol. I suppose the cocaine stained laptop of sweet innocent Hunter Biden contained no incriminating evidence either since the FBI sat on it for a year and never bothered looking into it. See how NOT looking into wrongdoing and law breaking means no laws were actually broken according to a court of "law"?