10 FACTS ABOUT YOU; 1. you know these are trolls because you've ever seen them
2. you will not get trolled because you've seen this
4. you realize i skipped 3 because this is stupid
3. you got trolled i didnt skip 3 i just flipped the position with 4
6. you realize i switched the position with 5 and 6
7. SIKE I DIDNT SWITCH IT and now you feel stupid
8. lol jk i know you read the numbers so you know i flipped and some other stuff
8.5. you thought there was no 8.5
10: you cant say p without opening your mouth
10: you tried it and you ended up saying "poop"
11: you know i doubled 10
12: you didnt know i stopped using periods and now i used ":"s
13: there are 13 facts but you thought there was 4 because of the double 10
14: you're human
15: you already seen one of these trolls but i made it more better and troller
16: you're human
17: you may dont or realize that i doubled "you're human"