Ah yeah, so you're the idiot everyone mentions on here. Well one of them. Are you the pony guy, the kylie guy or the cross dresser?
Anyway, yeah you're an idiot. Nothing you said shows absolutely any indication you understood anything in the meme.
'Things get cut off if you abuse them'
*points to part where rules were retroactively applied on things that weren't previously a violation
*points to implied intent of a comment, rather than actual statement, which is then used as a violation.
*points to instagram having a long habit of banning people alongside facebook and twitter, despite being a completely different type of site and such statements weren't being made.
'The fact that credit card is on your list is particularly bewildering - people get their credit cards cut off from them all the time.'
Apparently you're not good with thoughts, so i'll help you out..
people get banned for statements.. people get banned for implied statements... people get banned for hosting an app to an unrelated site .... perhaps paypal will ban people for donating money to the 'wrong' kind of site... perhaps your CREDIT CARD will cancel your service if they don't like websites you're subscribed to... perhaps google will pressure your domain name host to cancel your contract if it doesn't like your site becoming popular..
you get the idea princess? painted it all nice and pretty for you?
k thanx, goodbai.