Please explain to me when and where there was an investigation into voter fraud. Every single case brought before a state judge was just dismissed without any consideration at all.
The right has been analyzing that data they could get from mostly TV coverage of the election. It wasn't until I saw a video a couple of days ago about an independent investigation where they had actually access to the ballots. But that was only in Georgia and it was found that there was voter fraud, enough fraud to change the outcome of the election for Trump and the two senate candidates. Rather than reviewing the results of the investigation Georgia's runoff election still used the same rigged voting machines and, surprise, they got the exact same results.
Once again you are doing guilt transference. It has been more than 40 years. The Progressives since the beginning of the 20th century have been brainwashing Americans to believe things that are directly out of Marx's writings.
For the first 130ish years of this nation there was no income tax. There was a brief period right after the Civil War but that income tax was passed with the provision that it would expire and it did. The Progressives forced our current taxation scheme, not to fund the government, but to control people back in 1913. And what does every good little liberal believe? They believe it is our patriotic duty to pay income tax and all other taxes. And if anyone questions the taxation scheme then you mention police, fire and schools. Even though we had all of that prior to Progressive taxation scheme.
Taxation is theft. Our taxation scheme is theft and control.
Then we are told that we have to pay our "fair share". Really? Who made that rule? What is a "fair share"? How is it that I work all day long and at the end of the day the government thinks it is "fair" to just take part of my pay for that day? That doesn't seem fair at all because I get a big fat nothing in return.
I don't want to play both sides. I am neither a Republican or a Democrat. I used to be a Republican years ago. Then I realized the Republican Party is always trying to play catch up to the Democrat Party as the Democrats keep marching as fast as the can into tyranny.
So you can comfort yourself by thinking you are "woke" but just know that you and all of your little Democrat friends are not just destroying democracy, you are destroying freedom, specifically MY freedom and I am sick and tired of it.