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Trump's America

Trump's America | JANUARY 6, 2021; JANUARY 20, 2017 | image tagged in how it started vs how it's going | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
3,357 views โ€ข 66 upvotes โ€ข Made by flumpse 3 years ago in politics
How it started vs how it's going memeCaption this Meme
11 ups, 3y
Trump's inauguration: This nation is doing so great
4 years later at Trump's loss: This place is like a third world country.
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2 ups, 3y,
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So all of a sudden, you're against mostly peaceful protests, hey toenail?

Still with the juvenile Trumpf, hey? Some kids never learn...
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0 ups, 3y
DC actually lightened security policy for protests after blm complained about it. Also, the police spraying tear gas at blm is a myth
1 up, 3y,
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I doubt the facts of this situation are what you think they are, toenail.

They rarely are.

So again, all of a sudden you're against mostly peaceful protests, hey toenail? (if you'd had the balls to answer that, it would save us both a lot of time!)
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Right...because this is all about me answering some proof-proving point of yours help you make some non-relavant revelation about us liberals.
Go stick it Fatty. Did you hear what Biden said about if it was BLM that did this? He was 100% right. I never liked him but I am starting to.
So Fatty, do you have the balls to admit that this was a violent insurrection by white supremacy incited by tRUMPf and his son and Guiliani and Senators Howley and Cruz and that piece of shit Matt Gaetz? Or do you want to hide behind your right-wing propaganda again.
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Sorry toenail, but I don't have "make some non-relavant revelation about us liberals", because you guys do that quite well without any help from me.

I'll tell you again, I'm not a conservative, I'm not a republican, and I'm not a right winger. I agree with them on some things (almost entirely on fiscal issues) and with moderates and even traditional liberals on other things. Until the democrat party went bat shit crazy, I considered myself a moderate, and I have voted for both democrats and republicans for political offices at all levels. I just like Trump, and the fact that I, and many other moderate people do, sends you snowflakes into a blind TDS fueled frenzy. It's a thing of beauty!

I have not heard what Biden said about BLM related to this. I'm doing my best to ignore what he says. If I don't, I'll lose what little respect I have left for him. He should be at home on the porch in a rocking chair, not bumbling around the WH with his finger on the nuclear button.

I have the balls to admit whatever the truth is. I know I can't get the truth from you. If it turns out it was white supremacists who were behind leading the crowd into the Capitol, I have no problem admitting it. As is the case with most Trump supporters, most Americans actually, I can't stand white supremacists. They were nothing until you guys and your pandering media decided to use them as a tool against Trump. You guys created them, so you get to own them.

Clearly, the left has no such love of the truth, because if it's proven that it was AntiF(irst)A(mendment) thugs who infiltrated the crowd and started the insurrection, I know with 100% certainty that you would never admit it, because CNN and MSNBC would never tell you it had happened.
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One could also say that's the beginning of Biden's America.
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There are reports coming in that the violence in Washington is caused by Antifa disguised as Trump supporters. Some of the same people that have been showing up around the country at Antifa riots have been spotted among the ones who stormed the Capitol bldg.

It is not at all surprising. Back when I was in the Tea Party we were warned to be on the look out for paid actors the Tea Party rallies. What would happen is that a news crew and a bus of paid actors would show up at the same time. The actors would be wearing pro-Nazi shirts or something like that and the news crew would run up to them for interviews. It happened all of the time. That is why even some conservatives thought the Tea Party was something it wasn't.
0 ups, 3y
Its going down in flames
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This guy shows up at all of the Antifa riots and surprisingly at the Trump rally thinking he could pass himself off as a Trump supporter.
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Funny how you forget to mention that he was protesting AGAINST antifa
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Who knows for sure. The news media is on an all out assault on the truth. They want to present a narrative and if the truth gets in the way they go around it. I never met the guy and neither have you so how would we know if he is a member of Antifa or an Antifa protestor. Typically Antifa protestors get beat up so there aren't a lot of them.
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What did I just say about the media? And you go and post an article from the British press about this guy was from Q Anon. So you think because the Brits claim he was from Q Anon then it is more trustworthy? I don't trust ANYTHING that the mainstream media says. Nothing. Ever since Obama repealed a law that prevented the news media from spreading propaganda, the information you get from the media is beyond reprehensible. I trust the meteorologists far more than I trust the reporters.

I don't know much about Q Anon. I don't know what they stand for and if you were to ask me they look more like liberals pretending to be Trump supporters to give Trump a bad name.

Now that Biden has been declared the president, the left is not holding back on the lies. And because you guys control the news media, the entertainment industry, schools and now the government there will be no truth being told. Absolutely none.
0 ups, 3y
And about all the other bullshit you just said, it made me wonder where exactly you do get news from?
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Q Anon is a far-right group......
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I know who they are supposed to be but when I first heard of them I thought they were liberals trying to give conservatives a bad name.

I probably get my news from some of the same places that you do. In addition I see tons of articles posted on Fascistbook (back when I was on Fascistbook) and MeWe. Plus I watch Glenn Beck and Mark Levin on the Blaze TV network.

And then I take all of what I read or watch with a grain of salt. So far I have come to trust Beck and Levin the most but they get some of their news from some of the same places that CNN and all the others do.
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That first bit you said just proves your ignorance
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I never said that this is who Q Anon was, I just said I thought they were liberals posing as conservative. I've seen that happen a bunch of times before. I even think some of the Republican congressmen and women were Democrats who switched parties just to give the Democrats more help.

You guys on the left are void of any morals or integrity. That is why you cheated so bad in this election. You have somehow convinced yourselves that you are the good guys and you think that justifies all of the corruption you all commit. You practice Saul Alinsky's "the ends justifies the means." Anything goes to promote your self-righteousness. Your religion of tyranny. And then you have the nerve to call us Fascists. You all need to look into the mirror before you call us names like that.

We on the right despise your ideology. You hate freedom and are gladly giving all of your and my freedom over to the government because you think that is the right thing to do. If you hate freedom so much why stay in this country. There are plenty of totalitarian dictatorships that you all can fulfill your wildest fantasies in. Move there.
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Please list your sources. If you do not trust factcheck, then many of your fellow republicans will be greatly disappointed, given that factcheck is their primary source of information
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I don't about Republicans. Republicans does not always mean conservative, that is why I left the Republican Party. They just keep trying and trying to be Democrats.

However, any conservative or libertarian that is using factcheck is an idiot or hasn't figured out yet that they are lying to them.

Besides, I don't "use" factcheck. I used to be on Fascistbook and THEY overuse factcheck. They used to put articles from the two greats of liberal propaganda on my comments all the time. Those two greats are Snopes and FactCheck. Both of those "fact" checkers will print anything they can to put or keep a Democrat in office and remove or keep a conservative or libertarian out of office.

I am not organized enough to keep track of every news article I have ever read. There is no way I can give you the source unless I read it 10 minutes ago. However, if I read it online then you should also be able to read it online. Just search for it. Don't use Google. They will make your search nearly impossible because they are part of the big tech cabal that is trying to squelch conservative voices. They are part of what is being called "Corporate Socialism" (which to me sounds more like Fascism).

I am an honest person. I do NOT make stuff up. If I say something that is wrong it is only because what I read was wrong. I try to make sure that what I read is not just someone's opinion. When ever I see an article that contains insults, I just quit reading. Those kind of articles are on all sides of the political spectrum and if they have to include insults then they are not reporting, they are opining. I don't trust them. Even so it is hard to trust anything these days. So I generally stick to principles, like Socialism is evil. That is something that I don't need someone's opinion on. I can look around at all of the Socialist nations in the world that have existed and exist now and it is just evil what their governments inflict on the people. I can read from well respected economists, like Milton Friedman, Frederich Von Hayek, Thomas Sowell, Ludwig Von Mises and see just how when people are at their freest their lives improve dramatically. Everyone increases their wealth and not just the rich. The rich only get wealthy when people are less free and governments are the only entities that takes freedom away.
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So what do liberals believe in that this dude also believed in? (I'm not asking for all the details, just a basic outline)
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I really wish I could give you some examples but my memory sucks these days. (I hate getting old.) I'm not going to make stuff up but it was whatever liberals were carrying on about 15+ years ago. I just remember asking why he wasn't a Democrat because what he believes in aligns perfectly with the Democrat platform.
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I agree with you when you say that every president is bullshit in their own special way, but Trump is an absolutely horrible person and probably the worst president ever (By the standards of his time). Obama and Biden are/were crap, but not nearly as crap as Trump. There are plenty of websites that will tell you that Obama is the antichrist, he founded ISIS, or that Michelle Obama is a man. Many of these theories and stories about Obama are completely made up, and for those that are based from reality, they make lots of wild assumptions that draw extremely stupid links. I'm not the first to admit that Obama wasn't perfect, but he wasn't Satan trying to destroy all freedom. Before you listen to an Obama conspiracy, just remember that when Obama was elected, the gun sales of America skyrocketed. People were buying guns, quite possibly, because of a black president. It is very likely that the same happened with conspiracy theories
0 ups, 3y
Obama is not the antichrist. I don't know where so many people get this idea of one person being the antichrist. The Bible uses the expression "an antichrist". It is a type of person. A person opposed to the teachings of Jesus. But then I am not a Bible scholar.

Trump is not a good person in his private life. Kennedy was pretty awful also. Kennedy had naked pool parties while he was president. He and his brother passed Marilyn Monroe back and forth like a toy. However, as president, Kennedy was the last good Democrat president we have ever had.

I don't think Trump is the greatest president or anything close to that. I think he is mediocre. The last great Republican president was Reagan and before him Calvin Coolidge. In between them there were a lot of mediocre to bad Republican presidents.

I don't know about Obama's private life. The press kept that quiet. They will never do that for a Republican but Obama's private life was kept under wraps. From all I know Obama is a decent person. As president, however, he was one of the worst. Half of the country was living on some sort of government assistance. The debt to GDP ratio was nearly as high as it was during the Great Depression. No other time has it gone that high. Our nations credit rating was dropped twice under Obama. That had never happened before. More people were unemployed and had just given up under Obama than any other president since the Great Depression. He gave us the largest tax increase known to mankind. And he force Obamacare on us causing my insurance to double and my coverage to turn to crap. He's not the worst but he comes very close. In my opinion Franklin Roosevelt was the worst. Obama and Woodrow Wilson tie for second worst. Carter and LBJ tie for third worst.

I think it is funny that people think that Michelle is a man. It came about because there have been a few pictures taken of her where there was something that wasn't supposed to be there making her dress stick out. It is not a p**is, I don't know what it is but it doesn't belong there. That is what started the whole thing.

Gun sales skyrocketed for only one reason. It had nothing to do with Obama's race, it had to do with fear that he would repeal the 2nd amendment and confiscate our guns. However, Antifa and BLM did more for gun sales than Obama. Now that Biden will likely be our next president gun sales will continue to skyrocket. It is already impossible to buy ammo.
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You just proved my point. The media is reporting all sorts of negative stuff about them. If they are violent then I do not condone that but I think they are getting stories made up about them to discredit them. However, I am not defending them. I am not affiliated with them and I don't agree 100% with their tenets. I agree with some of them but not all of them.

That is why I went to their web site

These are their tenets:
Minimal Government
Maximum Freedom
Anti-Political Correctness
Anti-Drug War
Closed Borders
Anti-Racial Guilt
Pro-Free Speech (1st Amendment)
Pro-Gun Rights (2nd Amendment)
Glorifying the Entrepreneur
Venerating the Housewife
Reinstating a Spirit of Western Chauvinism

There is nothing wrong with venerating the housewife but some couples find it impossible to feed their families unless both parents work. I don't have a problem with that. It would be preferable if one spouse worked (preferably the husband) while the others stayed home with the kids. It is better for the kids in a situation like that.

I for minimal government, maximum freedom and I am opposed to racism. I am pro-free speech and pro-gun rights. I think instead of wanting to bring the successful people down, we should use them as examples of how to succeed. No one ever increased their wealth by taking it from those who earned it. So we should glorify the entrepreneur.

I am not so much for chauvinism. I think if a woman chooses to work or has no choice but to work then she should get the same pay as a man doing the same job. By an large that is how private industry is right now. The biggest pay disparity is in the Federal Government. Men earn more money then women in the government.

The borders should be closed but I think a wall is unnecessary. If you crack down on employers who hire illegals with stiff fines then the border will take care of itself.

People talk about a drug war but I don't think it has ever been fought. I think a ton of money has been spent with very little results. If you want to stop drugs from coming into America then actually fight a war. Send the military in after the drug cartels and wipe them out. They are killing us so we should fight back. That is my opinion and that is probably why I should never run for president. :)
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Given that the Neo-Nazis support Donald Trump, I'm not sure what you mean by the left being fascist. And the whole cheating thing is a lie you made up so that you don't feel bad about losing the election
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It is real easy to explain. Nazi is an acronym for a German expression that translates to National Socialist German Workers Party. Nazi, despite what you have been told, are Socialists. If you do not believe me then look up the Nazi Party platform and see how much you agree with their platform. Hitler took his inspiration from Karl Marx. He probably felt a real kinship with Marx. Both were self hating Jews that would have liked to see all Jews exterminated.

What happened is the early 20th century Progressives used to openly show praise for Stalin, Mussolini and Hitler as men of the future. Then, as much as the New York Times tried to suppress it, news of the horrors of what Stalin was doing in the Soviet Union started making its way to America. The Progressives were shaken but still undeterred until war broke out in Europe. That is when they decided to distance themselves from all of the Marx based nations. They got the schools to teach that Nazism and Fascism are right wing ideologies then the Progressives denied that they were ever Socialists and Pro-Communist. That was until the 60's and then they started back pushing Socialism on America. Now the Democrat party is right out in the open. They no longer care that much about hiding who they are. Not all Dems are Socialist but they have been conditioned to accept most of what Socialism is about. Dems who claim to be Socialist do not understand what Socialism is. They are brainwashed into believing the lies that Socialism promises but can never deliver.

Just in case you were wondering, Benito Mussolini was a member of the Italian Socialist party. He begin to see some flaws in Socialism and made some minor changes and called it Fascism.

What we were taught in school is a lie. Communism, Fascism and Nazism are ALL forms of Socialism. They are all totalitarian and authoritarian governmental systems. They are all left wing ideologies. The opposite of total government control is not more total government control but no government at all. The extreme right is anarchy. If you try to fit a left/right scale between Communism and Socialism on the left and Nazism and Fascism on the right then there is no room for freedom because they are all the exact same thing. Our founding fathers based this nation on freedom of the individual with a severely limited government. The Progressives have just about destroyed that government and freedom.
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The proud boys are not non violent, they are extremely racist and were the main perpetrators of violence that day. The set up a gallows and threatened to hang many people who opposed them or disagreed with them (Like Mike Pence). Please read this reporter's review of the capitol storming if you want to argue about it on the same level that you argue about BLM and Antifa protests.
0 ups, 3y
So I did a search for Elijah Schafer and all I found was two videos posted on Twitter of essentially the same thing. He was with the crowd that stormed the Capitol building, not as a participant but as a reporter. It was pretty much what you would expect to see, a verbal clash between rioters and the police.

I saw the photo of the gallows. It was so poorly constructed that if they ever did try to hang anyone it would collapse. It looked like Homer Simpson put it together. So the whole thing was just for show.

I am not trying to justify the behavior of these rioters but I certainly understand the frustration. Americans are feeling like they are watching their country stolen from them by Socialists. I am shocked that these people would storm the Capitol building acting just like Antifa but I would not be surprised if militias started popping up all around the country. There probably are.

For years I thought that there probably would be a civil war but it would be started by the left and blamed on the right. Technically a civil war already started but only one side was fighting it, Antifa and BLM. I still think it will be started by the left but I am starting to have second thoughts about that and for good reason. The was voter fraud. It did change the outcome of the election.

If you cheat half of the population like that then you get repercussions. That basically was lighting the fuse to a power keg. How long that fuse is is anyone's guess. Regardless war is coming. I don't want it and I do not look forward to it.

The Proud Boys are not a racist group. When I first heard of them all I knew about them is that the left calls them white supremacists. I decided to look them up and see who they are. They have a website. There are members of all races in the Proud Boys. Their goals have absolutely nothing to do with race or racism.

It is just like when the Tea Party was called racist. I was a part of the Tea Party. There were only 3 things the Tea Party was concerned with: out of control spending, excessive taxation and balance the budget. That was it, nothing more and nothing less. Race had nothing to do with the Tea Party. The Tea Party was made up of people from all races.

I've never met anyone who is a member of the Proud Boys and I only know what I read on their website. I do not think they are racist.
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I'm not even sure how to respond to this level of idiocy anymore
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'Nazi, despite what you have been told, are Socialists.' That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Although Hitler was a socialist at first, during the holocaust, socialists and communists were among the people who were persecuted.
And about what you said about Mussolini, he was against WW1, along with his fellow socialists, but he then changed his mind and was pro war, which got him kicked out of socialist groups. He began to reject socialism and opted for a system where everything focused itself around him. (He called this 'Fascismo').
I admit that socialism and fascism are similar in some aspects, but they are certainly not the same, and not many democrats are even socialists, just as not many republicans are fascists, but all the fascists I've met online (So 'ever') are pro-Trump (Just like ISIS, the KKK and the Neo-Nazis. Facts!)
0 ups, 3y
Good.. you have recognized that Socialists are all about killing and murder. Hitler used his brown shirts to foment terror and then he killed them all. Hitler was a Socialist to the end. There were problems with Nazis and Communists but Hitler and Stalin had a secret alliance. They didn't care if their soldiers were killing each other. It is pretty obvious that neither had any respect for human life.

What does Mussolini being against WWI have to do with anything. All I said was that Mussolini started off a Socialist and then tried to reform Socialism and called it Fascism. Really the only thing he did was let business owners continue to run their businesses even though the businesses were now owned by the government. It was because of that the Socialists hung Mussolini.

The problem is narcissists are attracted to all of those totalitarian regimes. Narcissists lack empathy and are misanthropic. They also do not tolerate the slightest degree of variation unless it is them causing the variation.

American Socialists use insults to corral their base. If you step out of line you get called a racist, sexist, homophobic bigot. It won't be long before you Socialists start putting your opposition to death. You already look at the right as subhuman and irrelevant.
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I met a Neo-Nazi online several years ago (Bush Jr was president at the time). He was a Republican. In conversation he sounded just like a Democrat. I asked him why he was a Republican. I don't remember what his answer was but I think he joined the Republican party because of lie that is taught in school. Everything he supported was what Democrats support. So I agree that those people align themselves with conservatives but they are about as conservative as Karl Marx. It certainly does NOT mean that conservatives are anything like them. They are not only Socialists but they are also racists.

All of those forms of collectivism believe in no private ownership. Fascism, Nazism, Communism and Socialism. That is at the core of all of those philosophies. It is the reason why Marx taught "From each according to their ability to each according to their need". If those who have more have no rights of ownership of what they labored for then the government can just take it all and give it to those who have less.

Private ownership is the foundation upon which freedom is based. Take that away and now you are beholden to someone else for everything. You are a slave and have no purpose in life. The collective looks at you as expendable. That is true of ALL variations of collectivism. Any other difference they have is absolutely irrelevant. I don't care at all about those differences. They are in opposition to everything I believe in. The individual has their own sovereign right to act in their own best interest and determine what is best for them. No one else has any right above that over the life and freedom of the individual.

ISIS was definitely NOT Pro-Trump. Trump shut them down. ISIS was Pro-Obama because he was financing them. You could tell Obama was pro-ISIS because he called them ISIL. The L standing for the Levant. The Levant is Syria, Lebanon and Israel. Obama also referred to Jerusalem by the Arabic name Al Quds. Trump on the other hand moved the US Embassy to Jerusalem in recognition of Jerusalem being the capitol of Israel. Trump also brokered a peace deal between the Palestinians and the Jews that may be one of the best deals to keep the peace so far. I'm sure Biden will screw that up.
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If you want to tell me that tech companies are squelching conservative voices, then please tell me why I so often get the conservative conspiracy theories popping up when I search for evidence to support what I said, and about your websites, I can easily say that websites like fox news are doing the exact same thing, but supporting conservatives. It's not that all the media is against you heroes of freedom or whatever, it's that major media like google, Facebook, twitter, etc., do not support your conspiracies. That is why twitter banned Trump. If you think that violates the 1st amendment, it just means that a large number of twitter users don't want to listen to his bullshit
0 ups, 3y
I can give you personal experience with Fascistbook. It is why I left them. I still have my account open because I was only going to post Fascistbook is evil articles and I don't even do that any more. EVERY conservative article I posted when I was on FB had a "fact" check assigned to it. I was threatened with FB jail several times. I would put in FB jail 3 times.

I used to be an admin of a FB group that was a fan group for Stuart Varney who has a show on Fox Business. The group is not affiliated with Stuart Varney, Varney probably doesn't even know the group exists. There were two guys who posted fairly regular on that site. For about 3 months every single post they made was flagged by FB to the admin as being inappropriate. At first there was nothing I could do about them but then FB eventually gave me the option of accepting or rejecting them. There was nothing in any of their posts that was any different than everyone else in that group (there were almost 15,000 members when I left the admin position... and no.... It was not a paid position and I got suckered into being the admin but that is another story). However, if I accepted their posts FB would warn me that I run the risk of them shutting the group down. I accepted every single post those guys made. FB never did anything other than threaten.

But now they are deleting conservative groups. Glenn Beck's Blaze TV group was deleted by FB. Twitter dumped Trump even though he is still our president. Candice Owens is now suing FB for all of the fake fact checks.

Google took Parler out of their Google Play list and today I tried logging on to Parler with my Android phone and nothing loads into the app. Apple is threatening the same thing. Amazon took Parler off of their list.

BTW Aside from Hannity and 1 or 2 others on the network, Fox News has completely gone over to the dark side. They are right there with CNN and BSNBC. So if you can imagine Fox News doing something like that it would ONLY be because they have gone full liberal now.

Do you want to know what the difference between the right and the left is? If a liberal says something a conservative doesn't like, the conservative turns off the TV. If a conservative says something that a liberal doesn't like they petition the government to shut the conservative down. They go after their advertisers. They do everything in their power to shut them up.

Conservatives = Freedom
Liberals = Tyranny
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Correction: Amazon didn't take Parler off of their list (because they don't have one). What Amazon did was they kicked Parler off of their AWS cloud service.

Parler is just Twitter's competition. They and MeWe, Gab, etc are getting a bad rap from the left only because conservatives are leaving Fascistbook, Twitter and YouTube in droves. Parler did not start off as a conservative version of Twitter. It was just competition. What made it and all of the other alternative social media outlets conservative is because of the Fascism of FB, Twitter and Google.

Now liberals think Parler is just a conservative social media site. That is BS. YOU made them a conservative social media site. YOU made all of the alternative social media sites conservative. YOU are the fascists who are blocking our free speech everywhere we go.

This is NOT a conspiracy theory. This is what I am seeing first hand.
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Trump does not deserve special treatment on social media because he is our president, twitter banned him because they were tired of his bullshit
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Twitter is banning all conservative speech. That is a whole different problem. That is Corporate Socialism. All of big tech seems to be ran by some of the worst liberals in the country. All of them are trying to silence us.

We will not be silenced. Ours is the voice of freedom, not the Democrats. The Democrats are too busy kissing Karl Marx's butt.
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The thing we can agree on is that most president have had a pretty sexual private life, but how is Donald Trump anything other than completely incompetent? Other presidents have been bad in some ways, but Trump is completely incompetent and has proven that in the last months of his presidency
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He clearly has done some stupid things in his life. Had he taken the million dollars his dad gave him to start his life with and just invested it, he would have been far richer than he is now.

But just like George Bush, you can't call the man stupid. Trump has an IQ of 156. Being that smart does not mean everything you do is the right or best thing but it also means he's not an idiot either. I don't know what Bush Jr's IQ is but the reason why he came off as a bumbling fool is because his mind was going a million miles an hour and when he tried to filter what he was going to say for whatever reason it tripped him up. All politicians try to filter themselves (except for Trump) so that they don't say something that would cause them to lose favor with their constituents or accidentally reveal a state secret or (the worst) to hide their corruption.

It used to frustrate me when I would listen to Sarah Palin speak. She was sooooo guarded in her speech it made it seem like she was always hiding something and not telling us the full picture. I understand why she did that. The left was merciless with her. That was the first time I had ever seen the left so vicious and cruel. They were pretty hard on Reagan and the Bush's but I have never seen the kind of assault on a person as I saw on Sarah Palin.

That is until Trump. The left absolutely HATED Trump. I don't know if it is because he was a life long Democrat and abandoned the Democrat party a few years before he became a Republican and ran for president. Or if this is just the next line of progression for a Republican president. Each time there has been a Republican president since at least Reagan, the left's vitriol just gets worse and worse.

Of course there is the other reason. The left had planned through voter fraud to put Hillary in office. They used voter fraud to keep Bernie out in the primaries just like the did this election. They had appointed Hillary. They fabricated enough votes to give her the majority but they did not take into account the electoral college. A mistake they were not going to repeat in 2020. That is why there were so many voting anomalies this election. They gave Biden 100% in some precincts and others up around 95%. Those are statistical impossibilities. There were even a few precincts who gave Biden more votes than there were registered voters. And then there are those insidious voting machines that were created for the express purpose of voter fraud.
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'None of the people storming the capitol were armed' ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚Priceless.
The people storming the capitol had pipe bombs, built a gallows outside, were threatening to hang Mike Pence, shot 1 member of the capitol police and most of them had guns. BLM and Antifa, although they have some ideals I do not agree with, have been protesting largely peacefully and violence that occurs is usually perpetrated by counter-protesters. Also, as you may have forgotten, Antifa and BLM have been protesting, whilst the storming of the capitol was a direct attack on our centre of democracy where people were preparing to destroy democrat votes
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You've got that all wrong. It wasn't until the end of summer were there any counter protesters and they were peaceful.

Antifa and BLM are directly responsible for all of the destruction, violence and deaths they caused. They are not in the least peaceful. I don't know why you would say otherwise.

Elijah Schafer is a freelance reporter who is currently working for Glenn Beck's Blaze TV. He has been going to all of the Antifa and BLM protests. He stays long after the mainstream media gets their shots for the day and leave. The mainstream media shows up in the daylight hours when everything is peaceful and then leave. Schafer has been staying and reporting the violence that happens after the media leaves. He even go beat up at one of the riots and was in the hospital.

He also went to the Capitol riots. I haven't hear or read his report on that because I am lazy.

However, I would bet that the pipe bombs and other stuff is Antifa and not Trump supporters. Antifa and BLM are both very well funded and have been supplied with all sorts of stuff to cause destruction. Trump supporters are just a bunch of guys who are pissed off. They have no organization. The Proud Boys have organized but they are non-violent.
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2 replies
When you say 'he sounded like a democrat', what exactly do you mean?
I agree with many of the things you said about communism and fascism being similar.
0 ups, 3y
I do not trust Fact Check dot org in the slightest. I've caught them lying several times when I was on FascistBook and they put one or more fact checks on the stuff I posted.

I don't care that Trump said it, most of us know Obama turned an ineffectual wannabe terrorist boogeyman for him to pretend to fight. Those news stories were reported before anyone ever knew that Trump was going to run for president.

He funneled all sorts of taxpayer dollars into funding the Muslim Brotherhood and other Muslim terrorist groups.
0 ups, 3y
I'm trying to remember what he said. This was over 15 years ago and my memory isn't what it used to be (I'm 62 years old).

I just remember that he was for a lot of the stuff that Dems support. Like the welfare state, wealth redistribution, universal healthcare.
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1 reply
Please give proof for that where conservatives have posted reasonable things and not been constantly sucking Trump's c*ck
0 ups, 3y
You cannot be serious. You want me to prove that conservatism is reasonable? That is easy. It is based on freedom of the individual. It is based on sound proven economic theory.... well I should say fact at this point. Free market economics works every time it is tried. The problem is it hasn't been tried as much as everything else and everything else completely sucks compared to Free market economics.

I do not claim that everything that was printed about Trump was reasonable. I have read some articles that just made me scratch my head in wonder. But that kind of stuff is true of every president. You could probably find at least one whacky article written about Biden if you looked today.

You have to separate out the sycophant articles from the actual news. The sycophantic articles written about Obama made me me want to throw up. He had the worst devotees of them all. Trump was pretty bad but Obama just made me sick.
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IQ is not how good you are at running a country. Trump can be as smart as he wants, but none of that will make him a good president. He is smart in the way that a spy is smart. He has been planting false information about fraud and telling lies to make the democrats look bad since day 1. There is no evidence that significant voter fraud took place in support of the democrats, in fact, many Trump supporters admitted to voting twice, and these footages of ballot boxes being flooded with fake votes point to no 1 party as the culprit.
0 ups, 3y
What makes it hard to disagree with you is that Trump is a liar. He lied to get ahead of Cruz in the 2016 primaries and Cruz was perhaps one of the most honest candidates to run for president in a very long time.

However, Democrats only have themselves to blame for looking bad. The more you guys run to Karl Marx the worse you are making it for yourselves. Not to mention all of that bizarre stuff about multiple genders, allowing high school boys into girls locker rooms (and you thought it was just about public bathrooms) and the constant changing of our language. Seriously? Did Orwell's Nuspeak in his book 1984 just sound appealing to you all? Then there is the fact that all of your politicians not once denounced the violence committed by Antifa and BLM and in fact many of them supported it. Then when a handful of Republicans storm the Capitol building those same politicians are screaming bloody murder. AOC even said that she felt like her life was in danger. As far as I know none of those rioters were armed, UNLIKE Antifa and BLM.

Then you guys send an senile old man who never had a firm grip on reality into the White House. What is up with that? Did you have anyone better qualified? Is there any one, just one person, in the Democrat party who could at least try to articulate their thoughts a little better? Come on, man!

You guys don't need Trump to make you look bad. You're all experts at it.
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1 reply
That does not make him a democrat in the slightest.
If they are a democrat, that means that they support the majority of democrat ideologies. Something tells me that this dude was NOT a liberal, given that the neo-Nazis are racist and homophobic.
0 ups, 3y
My problem is that I cannot remember the conversation. The dude was a liberal. I know what liberals believe. It is not hard to know that because it is preached at me every time I turn on the TV. It is also preached at me in nearly every movie that has ever been released since the 60's. You can't escape in college either. Conservative students will have to actually lie and give the liberal answer on some of their homework assignments and tests just so they can pass the class. That happens all over the US.

It makes me laugh when I hear liberals complaining that their message isn't getting out. Your message is out there. No one can escape it. The message that is not out there is the conservative message. That is squelched everywhere. Fascistbook and Twitter are now canceling memberships of conservatives to shut their voices down even more.

Fortunately the days of the "fairness doctrine" are gone. That was before AM talk radio and Fox News (who's now on your side). That was back in the day when Phil Donahue had a conservative guest on his show with 5 liberals to shout the conservative down because that was "fairness". However with Biden in office he might bring that back or just shut down all conservative thought on all forms of media altogether.
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