1851 to 1872 was not a "few years." That was 21 years.
Progressive vermin? Nice. Progressivism has given you your life. Things like public education, child labor laws, the weekend, paid vacation, that your employer should pay for your healthcare insurance, the roads, the fire and police departments, the 40 hour work week, that companies can't sell you rotten food, no lead being used in paint or things like gasoline, the weekend, even the idea that people can govern themselves, everything you have - EVERYTHING that is a defacto part of modern life was brought to you by Progressives.
And we're going to do it again.
We're going to make sure everyone gets quality healthcare, not just the rich. We're going to make sure everyone can go to a trade school or college without having to shoulder a massive debt. We're going to make sure that you get paid what you're worth, and you're worth A LOT more than you think you are. We're going to get the country off of oil.
America has always been a progressive country.
It always will be.
If you don't like that- leave.