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Are we gonna have a debate about what white nationalism is or nah

Are we gonna have a debate about what white nationalism is or nah | image tagged in white nationalism wikipedia definition,things that make you go hmmmm deep fried,white nationalism,racism,nazism,white supremacy | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
4 ups, 4y,
3 replies
You're back? Great. But I'll say it again, he said himself that he's not a white nationalist, and that its just a name
2 ups, 4y
Richard I believe that he's not a white nationalist.And LaChancla and I are not offended either but the fact that his name could be offensive to some people is the bad thing
1 up, 4y,
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yea richard
you have to see how other people see it not just ur vision
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I do. I try to see where everyone is coming from, even Lardar. I ask them all sorts of questions to see if they would be a good choice for Congress or president. I try to not just see one thing and one thing only. I try to see as much as possible
1 up, 4y
no im talking about the name
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X doubt chomsky | image tagged in x doubt chomsky | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
Well, I’m not a WWII-era Japanese fighter pilot and I still chose my current handle

However, seeing his platform and the streams he follows, I have doubts about that explanation
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What's wrong with my platform?
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From quickly browsing the stream, you seem to have a decent thought-out platform (even though I might disagree with your definition of “free speech”), and made some good memes in support. So not your platform, really.

Mainly I am turned off by the name thing. I have seen you explain that it’s a joke, a sort of play on the fact others running in the stream have appropriated communist imagery as a joke, etc.

That said, liberals jokingly calling themselves commies as a way to kind of reclaim and ridicule the lazy right-wing smears that anyone to the left of Trump is a communist has a longer history in internet culture. See: FALGSC, etc.

I think making WhiteNationalist your dang SN seems to be taking it a bit too far, and in spite of your vague denials I haven’t seen solid evidence that you are not one in fact.

One thing the past few years of politics has taught us is that when someone tells you who they are, then you should believe them. Disbelieve and downplay and explain away others’ stated motives at your own peril.

Having a user who announces himself as a WhiteNationalist represent all of ImgFlip (even in a roleplay capacity) with its diverse user base would I think alienate many users and undermine the fun of it.

And it’s normalizing the idea of voting for an actual white nationalist and that gives me pause.

I think you should listen to the feedback you’re getting from others on this and not reflexively reject it. You’d probably get more votes if you had a less divisive SN, just my two cents.

Well, that was longer than I intended but there is your answer.
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And it also seems you’ve engineered a situation on this stream in which suggesting that you may in fact be a white nationalist and respectfully criticizing those ideas is less welcome than the possibility of actually being one

How did you do it?
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I'll be keeping a very close watch on this.
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hes just trying to get a last minute salty attack
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and you are trying to get on his train before he wins
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You practically conceded defeat right there.
1 up, 4y
not really
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I reckon you should
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dont get salty
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Apropos of nothing
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this meme is your last ditch attempt trying to make wn look bad since you dont want to lose to a new user
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Coming in hot!

Well, I’m not running so my own personal interest isn’t really a concern.

I don’t follow this stream closely enough to even know when the election is, or who all is running, and I may not even vote (I’ve basically been boycotting since the hood ol’ TobyThePug/IncognitoGuy days)

I just happen to find the idea that someone who calls himself WhiteNationalist (despite claiming to not be one in fact) could be ImgFlip’s next President to be

1 up, 4y
yeah but its prob just a temporary name as he was WhiteNat and election today
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They were good days, indeed. And I am voting for WhiteNationalist. If I thought he was an actual racist, I wouldn't support him. He will continue my legacy on this stream after I leave.
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Did I write “hood ol’ days”? I meant to write “good ol’ days” before having a change of heart and then intending to write “bad ol’ days.”

In the end, I reckon they will be remembered as whatever kind of days they were

So it’s all good in the hood
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2 replies
At least I won't be forgotten. My legacy will live on, since GreenieMeanie_07 and WhiteNationalist are both on track to win their elections, and they both have almost identical policies to my own.
2 ups, 4y
Do you have any tips for making any good laws? Like what kind of laws did you make when you were head of Congress?
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Much like Donald Trump himself and Richard Nixon before him, your impact upon the trajectory on events in this stream is undeniable and your legacy is therefore secure

So you should have no problems flashing your peace sign and a trademark winning smile, stepping on Air Force One for the last time and leaving it all behind

0 ups, 4y
Sure. I plan on leaving after this election. I probably won't be on here in 2021.
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Alright I have to tell someone. WhiteNationalist is IncognitoGuy and I have proof
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Interesting one

Would certainly help explain why a brand-new memer made a beeline for this stream and had the chutzpah to run for President, have the same platform and follow all the same streams IncognitoGuy did
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he does follow diffrent streams thou
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Some slight differences but strikingly similar interests
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doesnt nessesarily make him an alt
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You’ll never know definitively unless he admits it, or someone does an IP trace or something (and assuming he didn’t use a VPN). But there are enough similarities to raise suspicions.

Anywho, I’m voting against WN anyway for the simple reason that he belligerently chose a racist SN (even though he claims not to be one) and I disagree with his interpretation of free speech

The alt account thing is interesting but not necessary to prove.
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you just joined stream and ypur a far leftist
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I’ve been on this stream a good long time, just not lately

Also I’m curious what exactly you think makes me a far Leftist, as I’ve not interacted with you at all till now
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ive seen you before but i watvh you quietly
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I don’t hate all Republicans; I voted McCain in ‘08 and I go out of my way to praise traditional Republicans when I can
0 ups, 4y
oh i didnt know because i always hear you against them and i meant in modern days you hate
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Another Republican who has my respect.

Both he and McCain easily pass the test of basic commitment to democracy and decency that Trump has failed over and over again.

This Republican Party existed not long ago (‘08 and ‘12) even though they are both now regarded by the Trump Party as the equivalent of traitors.
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You still have to prove your case that I’m a far Leftist

Saying you’ve watched me proves nothing but the fact you’ve watched me
0 ups, 4y
you hate free spech which is far left,poloticsTOO and while some people hate trump you hate him,republicans and all for them
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As far as “free speech”: no, I don’t subscribe to the far-right view that it ought to mean anyone can say anything without consequence and websites have to platform any and all harassment, bigotry and plain nonsense.

There are abusers, serial trolls, and sickos out there and websites need to have the tools in their kit to deal with them including deletion and if necessary account banning. Otherwise, they drag websites into the gutter and the normal users flee the site to a place with proper moderation.

Private websites have their own free speech rights: that’s an important point many people miss. In other words, no one who provides a private service can be forced to speak on a particular user’s behalf.

No, I don’t support censoring conservative viewpoints in general.

This puts my views on free speech generally in line with ImgFlip and its TOS
0 ups, 4y
RichardChill24 contacted me on memechat. He accused me of being an alt. At first I defended myself from this ridiculous accusation, and then I realised something. RichardChill24, who I thought was a supporter of mine, was actually plotting to take over the stream. And he was quite genius, but not clever enough to stop me finding out the truth.

Let me explain. I had previously caught RichardChill24 red handed with some of his friends talking about impeaching my running mate M00N_MAN.exe if I win, and they spoke of “coup”. I realised that RichardChill24 wanted to impeach M00N_MAN.exe and then impeach me for being an alt so that he and his friends could replace us and take over. They could only do this with control of Congress, and since they supported GreenieMeanie_07, I realised he was in on it too.

So now I realise the only way to stop them is by running form Congress. Hopefully it isn’t too late to enter the race. If I win Congress, RichardChill24 and his friends/alts will not be able to take control. I thought this election was free speech vs censorship, but now I realise the people I thought were my enemies weren’t the true enemy, and the people I thought were my friends were the real villains. This just goes to show that politics is full of plotting and backstabbing. Expect the unexpected.
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Wubbzy too
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I don’t really get downvoted to oblivion in “politics” anymore, so this thread takes me back
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Embiggened in case you couldn’t read it well above

Those on the stream who support free speech: do you support my right to call you a Nazi if you seriously believe this crap?
1 up, 4y
besides he is whitenat
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Oh believe me me and lachancla try to do so peacfully but he keeps on calling LaChancla a cry baby and starts using the fact that LaChancla curses,LaChancla is old enough to curse.
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1 up, 4y,
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dude ima tell you his age range so you stop calling him a babie 13- 16
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you know how little that narrow it down
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Im not gonna say his acual age
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like 380m people are in that age range
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and cant I keep some personal info uh you know personal
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Dude im just saying his age range for whitenationalist to stop calling him a baby
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hes not an idiot the two just hate each other
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uh no I can confirm that LaChancla doesnt hate him
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not from what i see
2 ups, 4y
dude you dont know me in real life the only person i hate is the person who ran by the aisle and took the last gumie bears which i was gonna grave
1 up, 4y
well I can confirm that he doesn't
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  • White nationalism Wikipedia definition
  • Things that make you go hmmmm.... (deep fried)