The political affiliation does not make anyone a communist, socialist, not does it make them hate their country. Show a credible source that says democrats are socialist Marxist communists. Memes are not facts, and nor are trump parrot sites. Ah, here we see, wHy SHoUlD I gIvE tHe MoNeY i WoRkEd FoR tO tHe GoVeRnMeNt??? Well why are you asking me? I’m not part of the government. And nor did I say paying taxes was ever patriotic, dumbass. I am shocked of how stupid you are “paying taxes if left socialist slavery”, you dumbass! Go back to Facebook where you karens belong! “When Obama told joe the plumber he was running for president” yeah, good story you made up yourself. Show where you got that story from. You are making conspiracy theories as you speak, making up more and more extreme right bullshit as you go on. It would shock you how much how much you agree with his ideas. And compare the, to the democrat party. The real one, not the one you think of. It might shock you how much trump has in common with the nazi party.