They’re talking about forgiving upwards of $50,000 in student debt, which is now doubtful that it will ever happen.
Why do I think students should have their loans forgiven? Instead of dumping money into corporations which “stimulated” nothing but the wallets of executives who caused the problems to begin with, alleviating the crushing debt of the “little guy” which actually stimulate the economy.
All of a sudden, instead of working for peanuts to pay off an education that is hurting you more than it’s helping you, you can think about buying a car or *gasp* a home.
I am a union operating engineer who works in heavy construction. I’ve been paying off my son’s student loans for the last five years because he couldn’t afford to pay rent, eat, and pay his loans. That’s in addition to the note on my truck, the mortgage on my home, the exorbitant property taxes on Long Island, etc., etc., etc.
College education has become almost predatory. They promise a better life but rarely deliver.
I’ve always found it curious when ‘conservatives’ talk about celebrities keeping their mouths shut when it comes to public policy...until a celebrity agrees with them. Not for nothing, Mike Rowe has made a living on television pretending to be working class but he’s a classically-trained opera singer.