Speaking only for myself, I can say I have no problems with discussing issues like tax, trade, healthcare, foreign policy, religious liberty, gay rights, abortion with those who disagree. Trump and his wholesale reality-distortion field is something different.
I actually didn’t vote for HRC in ‘16 (I voted Johnson) and I forgave and overlooked Trump’s nonsense for far longer than some of my other liberal friends.
I did not believe even Trump was a fascist until about midway through 2019 when we found out he tried to strong-arm a foreign leader into digging up dirt on a political adversary (Biden, as it so happened). Since then, his tendencies have only gotten worse. The Impeachment that wasn’t was a disaster — featuring no key Administration witnesses let alone the President himself, unlike Clinton’s impeachment. His Covid response and downplaying has been abysmal. His failure to accept the results of the 2020 election may be his lowest point yet.
Real mature politicians acknowledge defeat and setbacks, urge unity, encourage their supporters to plan for the future. They give concession speeches like Romney gave in ‘12 or McCain gave in ‘08. Or that HRC gave in ‘16. And they do so promptly after the race being called.
So, don’t want to be called a fascist? Don’t support a fascist. Support the GOP moving back in a saner direction.
It’s pretty simple.
By the way, yes, we are called Commies all the time by righties even though we’re not and we are supposed to just take it. If we can put up with that crap without it even being true, then so can you when the shoe fits.