So, can you give me at least one good reason why you voted for Biden that was not pure hate for Trump, surely that hate comes from the brain washing single sided media that demonizes Trump?
This is what I got on Biden:
1) Ran twice before and dropped for being dishonest (I mean 3rd time was the charm right?!)
2) Has not accomplished a single thing in the 40+ years as a politician (really, like nothing)
3) Kamala, before offered VP role even talked crap about Biden (she did, she did)
4) Biden has television footage of grouping people including children (plenty out there)
What do you have? Did Trump molested you? Or Trump has 40+ years running as a politician and did not accomplished anything? Sounds to me he did more in those 4 years than Biden did in 40+ can you prove me wrong? Here is your time to shine and show everyone how smart you are and that you are not brain washed. Go!