I'm gonna be honest, that's stats from a while ago, now it's much worse. I see the commenters still think it's all a hoax from the left wing, but I don't want to find out. If I had a choice to go to school in person, I'd choose no.
I have asthma and other preexisting conditions. I’ve been in school for 4 months. Haven’t died yet. How my people under 22 do you know that have died from Covid???
Bro no it isn't I have i friend who's dad has a condition that makes a cold like cancer his dad's like 34 he died. Can you believe your dad dying to something that you thought was nothing. Because it didn't hurt you. You went around without a mask and touching everything. Then you go to your parents house for Christmas and your dad gets it and he dies. And you know it was your fault for your dads death. Well thats what happened to him.