Oh, this POS "ebook." Nice to see it's back again.
Yeah, so here's the deal.
You don't get to debate or make points or whatever.
You're wrong. Vaccines do not cause autism. They don't cause behavior problems.
Let me repeat that:
You are wrong. Vaccines do not cause autism. Vaccines do not cause behavior problems.
What you linked to is a poorly designed & formatted pdf that's full of bullshit and lies.
Here's your first clue: chiropratic.org is hosting this mf'er.
What does it take to be a chiropractor? 90 semester hours. So, you could drop out of your local community college, and then you get to go to "chiropractor school!" for a few months. Take 1 test.
And you're a Doctor! Wooohooo!
What does it take to be an MD? Well. First you complete 4 years of undergrad. Then 4 years of medical school. Then 3 to 7 years of residency where you study your specialty. So...fast track, we're looking at 10 years.
Who are you going to trust? The guy who dropped out of community college and took 1 test? Or he guy who studied for 10 years to be able to talk to you about your health?
Oh, and that whole "mercury" thing that these idiots like to lead with because it sounds so scary?
Thimerosal, the mercury based antibactierial agent in vaccines (which the body naturally gets rid of so it doesn't build up ) hasn't been used since 1999.
20 years ago.
There are no chemtrails. Vaccines don't cause autism. The frogs aren't gay.
Stop believing in conspiracy theories.
Come back to reality.