Stop pretending you give a rats ass about the constitution and stop expecting me to treat you with a single ounce of respect, you are every bit my enemy and I will treat you as such.
Liberals pretending to care about individual rights, the law or the constitution just sound stupid.
Pretending people that stand up to their crap are the fascists is even dumber. Shooting terrorists and traitors is not "executing people who criticize the government" and even your dumb ass knows it. Once street violence is used, the authorities should open up with as much force as is needed to crush them and anyone up to and including the mayor's that praise the violence should be considered accessories.
If you think that I am alone in this or even rare, you are going to have a rough time ahead of you. We watched you nut jobs pretend to be angry, outraged, watched the temper tantrums and your own so called leadership protect you from their high offices as you burned down your own peoples future.
Well now it is our turn, except we really are angry and having seen what we can do, I am scared for you. We are at a point where any wrong move will light the fuse. This time if a liberal city burns it will not be your side that burns it and the mayors will not cheer it on. I am hoping it doesn't come to that but I am expecting it. The saddest part of a civil war is there will be no roe, no limits and no winner. That is rarely enough to stop the madness once it starts.