Did you watch this “witness”? Best comedy skit ever.
The Russia collusion witnesses were far more credible and damaging
But you people cried FOUL
Voter fraud? Nothing to do with truth, this is about power at all cost
Gee, Thanks.
I sAw A gUy CaRrYiNg BaLlOtS sO i FoLlOwEd HiM, aNd I sAw A gUy DiPpInG hIs BaLlS iN iCeCrEaM, aNd I sWeAr It WaS RuDy GuIlIaNi ThE dEmOcRaTs StOlE tHe ElEcTiOn!
you know everything that we were told by our parents, be honest, dont lie, be respectful, golden rule. and you support a president that does none of that.
If you have evidence of fradulent ballots.... you might want to tell Lieutenant Gov Dan Patrick of Texas.. I understand he's got an up to a million dollar reward out for evidence of voter fraud.