And many will be people who have openly criticized Bumbling Biden in the not so distant past.
Sometimes I watch Tucker Carlson, which I did last night. He played a video of Biden tripping over his words and generally babbling and making no sense in a town hall, then pointed out how Biden's new press secretary, Jen Psaki, who after watching the same town hall said on CNN, "What on Earth is happening right now?" Whoa, that's certainly a ringing endorsement from your press secretary.
She's also attacking people who criticize her for wearing a communist hat while posing with Russian foreign secretary Sergey Lavrov. She's calling those critics stooges of Russia. She's really off to a solid start as press secretary!
Tucker also played a video of Commie-la Harris saying she believes allegations of unwanted touching made by women against Biden. Nice to know your veep believes you're a sexual predator.
Biden is surrounding himself with people who do not believe in him. They will have no problem duping the witless Biden into doing whatever they want him to.
Just watch what happens if the Dem candidates win in Georgia. Biden will be under such pressure from the left in his own party to veer from center left to socialist left, that the party may implode. It's almost enough to make me want them to win in Georgia. Almost.