"I think we have seen the swamp cannot be drained, the swamp has to be destroyed to rejuvenate the government of, by and for the people."
>> I will agree that our system is largely outdated. For example, to change how the 25th amendment works, you need a 2/3 majority vote. We're still using a test from the 1960's to test for mental incapacity. Anyone worth their salt in Psychology would tell you that this test doesn't prove anything and is largely outdated. Yet, congress won't vote for fear of how it'll impact their agenda. (both sides)
"The democrats openly denounce their country."
>> I'd say that's a matter of perspective. From what I see, it's the other way around. At this point, any debate over politics, subjective comments should be left at the door. Otherwise, you're wasting your breath.
"Both sides act in benefit of their masters and not the American people."
>> The word is benefactor. Also known as lobbyists.
"The election was rigged."
>> I can agree on that, just not in the way you might think. Trump poisoned the well since June saying "If I lose, it's because they cheated." So, what if you win Don? System working as intended? Sounds rigged to me.
"The voting process was changed to make it less verifiable prior to the election without vetting."
>> Not really, WA and OR have been doing vote by mail for the past 20 years. We have a few examples of voter fraud here and there, but nothing that'd turn an election.
"You don’t change voting processes without vetting. Democrats set it up that way so don’t complain that people question the integrity with blatant acts of ballot fraud that go un investigated."
>> Investigations were made. They were brought to court then summarily thrown out due to lack of sufficient evidence that would warrant a total re-vote or complete turnover. Yes, there were instances of Fraud (on both sides). But again, not to the extent that warrants such drastic decisions.
You want to talk about rigged elections? How about voter suppression? Remember when Texas tried to set up one election office per county? Requiring a very meticulous method of voting? That works for small towns, but not counties of two million people.
Then, Trump also tried to have our mail system completely downgraded for the sake of slowing down mail. Maybe if he hadn't have done that the votes would have come in on time, rather than late at night. (Not that it matters.) By doing that, he was interfering with the Washington and Oregon Election process.