An mRNA vaccine could be the key for Covid cause it will carry instructions to make the protien.
20% of those who get hospitalized are usually really old and the other 80% stay the same. We'll get into that later.
I had made a hypothesis about the weather affecting Covid. I was right and no, as though Covid doesnt spread as easily or efficiently in warmer climates and more humid regions of the world. It occurrs in between 37.4 and 62.6 Fahrenheit.
However Exposure to cold and dry weather may adversely impact the body's immune system.
Covid 19 binds to the human cells, the viral entry is that it binds itself as the viral trimeric spike protein to the human receptor angiotensin-converting enzyme 2. Or virologists, genetic scientists and scientists call it ACE2.
Covid has the Trimeric Spike Protien.
While the human cell has an ACE2.
Back to why the Elderly get Covid and why the rest of us dont get it as bad as they do. Unless he have medical problems, which is a whole different equation. Cause Oil is truly a fuel, a solvent, a lubricantor and a purifier for a mans body. It was modern and ancient medicine. It has a recognition as a neutralizer of poison.
In old age the human body is very low on oil, hence looking dry and wrinkled. Everything needs oil, bones, the intestinal tract, hair, everything!
So our body wont cooperate very well.