Here are the facts I found on gun violence:
Even Pew Research notes that what most people consider "dangerous weapons" account for an insignificant fraction of gun violence, which leads me to my next point; you are an idiot if you think merely owning a firearm makes someone violent. Most Americans own guns, and most Americans are decent people. Thousands of Americans have used guns in legitimate self-defense incidents which otherwise would have had them robbed, raped, killed, or otherwise abused.
Owning a vehicle doesn't make someone a mass-murderer, but these have been used in Europe and the U.S to massacre crowds. Every single case of firearm-related violence in this country has a similar story; the perpetrator was either already a criminal, or someone whose life had been shattered by non-firearm related matters (I.E most school shooters come from broken homes). The key to bringing down violence in this country is not to remove the tools; it's to help the people. We need better surveillance to actually flag when people are signalling their intent to commit a violent act. We need thorough background checks before purchasing a firearm, including the ability to deny those with mental issues the ability to purchase a firearm. Most importantly, we need to solve the problem of broken families, which will end more violent crime than taking guns away ever will.
I'm going to spitball and say you're in the category of people referenced who never have and never will own a firearm. While you're entitled to your own views, so many people disagree with you that I'm quite certain the 2A will never be repealed. :)