"Good. FaceBook, YouTube, and Twitter all have 1 thing in common: Before their mods started taking things seriously, there was a lot of hate."
Right, you classify anything you disagree with as "hateful" and then silence us.
"You should be more fearful if you are a democrat when expressing your opinion. Ex: you can have 6 or more users fighting you for one comment on politics"
Oh no! You have people disagreeing with you! The horror! I mean, we just have several multi-billion dollar corporations saying we're not allowed to speak, but you have several people disagreeing with you? That's terrible!
As for your example, frankly, you're too incoherent to even understand. Did the "impeach 45" person also get asked to leave or not? That makes a big difference.
Also, you know they edit those, right? They could have recorded 50 encounters, then picked the one that made the side they dislike look the worst, then cut that segment to make them look even worse than it would have all together.
Are you really this gullible?