Hi there! I said it. I can give you a quick run over. A polyamorous relationship is an unnatural and fractured version of love, near pure lust. Polyamorous relationships are akin to cheating, and allowing these to be legal is a joke. Why? You may ask, why is allowing this bad?
Well. 100 years ago there things were beyond illegal, punishable with years in prison. 50 years ago these was legalized but frowned apon, called a term "cheating" 5 years ago, this was embraced and people like you are now protected. :) see the problem yet? Probably not, sadly.
Now take pedophilia, pedos 100 year ago were executed. No trial. 50 years ago they were put in jail for life. now it's only around 20 years and a sexual assault stamp. in another 40 or so years of whining and crying, what is going to stop the same pattern from happening?