"No, Catholicism is just the one with a disgustingly long list of religious leaders who have been caught repeatedly raping young children and covering it up, physically abusing children in orphanages, and hiding the bodies of young women who died in their institutions (google Magdalene laundries)"
Correct, a list.
As the largest Church in the World with extensive record keeping spanning millenia, a very long list indeed. Something not matched by, say, Protestant denominations lacking such a centralized body, being autonomous, some, in fact, independent units run out of someone's home with no one to answer too nor keep documents beyond monetary, let alone going back centuries and including the pastor's misdeeds with the congregation.
Nevertheless, cases involving Protestent clergies, Rabbis, and yes, Imams have come to light.
Even with Amish, who have been alotted a large degree of independence maintaining their own justice system.
How, you ask? Typically in the rare cases those alleged of such are reported or otherwise exposed, a confession and apology in front of the congregation is had, followed by prayer, and a sincere effort to mend one's ways is then allowed to proceed. Needless to say, this system of reform is about as effective as it is cut out to be, so it's basic play and repeat and repeat. Abuse can thus continue unabated like this, with the most grievous maybe finally ending up in shunning.
"I'm not trying to hit below the belt but you're forcing my hand by trying to make it sound like Catholicism is all good and wonderful."
You mean the way many have gone below the belt with you on this site regarding the higher rates of child molestation involving LGBTQs or as with certain distasteful accusations of a more personal sort?
If anyone here should more aware of the very lesson you spend so much time and energy lecturing others on it is you. Taking numbers representing the vile behavior of minority of abhorrent individuals and pretending they are somehow representative - nay, advocated by the whole - is dishonest, reflecting a most cynical of personal grudges.
Want a religion that DOES advocate raping of children and women and treats both as chattel to be used and disposed of, as written in their own religious text? Then read up on Islam. And no, the "B-B-But they've only been around a mere ONE THOUSAND AND FOUR HUNDRED YEARS" is not an excuse. Try 8000, being the birthplace of civilization. Time for them to grow up.