[image deleted]hey a74814AHOLE – here are the facts that show you are a liar, everyone on this site knows you are a cert pos..
Within 10 days of the first Chinese virus case reported in the USA (no deaths) Trump bans travel with China…
A travel ban had never been done before and was clearly drastic action
With this travel ban the press, and officials, must have realized that the Chinese virus is really serious, right?
Nope, for over the next month they did the exact opposite, and literally attacked Trump…here’s a timeline:
• The first report of a corona virus case in the USA is January 21 (CDC Seattle)
• January 28th Trump was briefed about the corona virus severity
• In January the who, cdc and fauci all said there was nothing to worry about
• January 31 Trump puts in travel ban… a drastic/extreme measure that hadn’t ever been done before
• is immediately attacked for travel ban by an epidemiologist, WHO, Vox, Canada health minister, and Joe Biden
• From Febuary 2nd to February 28th all these people said corona virus was no problem: CNN, Barbot (NYC Hlth Cmsnr), WHO Tedros, Barbot again, Levine (NYC cncl hlth cmmte), Biden advisor, nyc mayor’s office & DeBlasio, Fauci, Pelosi
• On March 4th Barbot again minimizes risk, CNN has Cooper & Dr. Gupta downplay the corona virus saying the flu is worse
• On March 9th Bernie Sanders claims Trump Xenophobia
In February you have the WHO, CDC, Fauci, politicians, doctors, etc…..downplaying the corona virus and attacking Trump for the travel ban….and are now crying that he should have done more….