Show us. Just show us. We are still waiting. If "We the people" have this info, then lets see it. As far as I know, Biden is still running. Everything you say is heresay, fake news, propaganda, and insinuation based off of what you heard on righty propaganda news like Fox.
Its literally the same evidence against tRUMPf for Russian collusion, quid pro quo in Ukraine, stealing children's charity money,
You tRUMPtards are used to calling everything fake news. Even when there is video and photographic proof you all say fake news because tRUMPf has never been guilty of anything ever. Right? So just apply the same to this situation.
Its all fake news. Until you show us what "we the people" have in their possession, its all fake news.
But here we are days later and I am still waiting. I am sure come November 3rd we will STILL be waiting. I wonder what "new" evidence Guiliani will magically find. Maybe he got it in the hotel room he was masturbating in.