Globalism IS Zionism, Zionism as in Protocols of the Elders of Zion - a euphemism, if you will. That's why Soros & the Rothschilds are always said to helm it. Socialism, Communism, Marxism and the worldwide conspiracy to force them upon us - these are all well known code words for said Zionism. THAT'S what's 'wrong' with it according to the propagansists, not some stupid degenerate terminally unemployed trailer park meth head's complaint about darkies in them nasty cities gettin a cut of their welfare check that they alone should get because Lincoln destroyed the South's economy. It's fear of the big bad Jew, vintage 1917. PERIOD.
Those people are nothing, just wannabes. The only one with any sway is Merkel, on account of Germany being the biggest economy in Europe and if they're gonna pretend they don't depend on America, they need some sort of linchpin for the Eurozone. Blair is so how many PMs ago? Macron and Trudeau are insignificant shadows known to little more than their countrymen.
Trump attempted to veto ALL sanctions against Russia - as well as rescind the ones Obama placed on them within his first week in office. He was rebuffed by Congress, which is the body that places sanctions.
Funny how flu deaths drop 90% off-season, unlike Covid, the fake disease that Donny & Co got. Are you calling him a liar? You heard the Woodward tape.
China is no threat to the country it depends on for cash flow. Shoot big daddy, there goes the money flow.
Russia's economy, on the other hand, is a fetid shrinking mess of dirty money of benefit only to ex-KGB tycoon Russian Mafia pals of Putin. You know, the guys Eric said they get all their funding from.
Yeah, the Sociawist fiction ain't jibing with anyone other than Donny boys.
The mythology is one thing, but until you see Bernie and AOC bragging about falling in love with REAL C-O-M-M-U-N-I-S-T dictators and sucking their piss like a Trump wandering the Sahara for a month, it means exactly what it means: bullshit.
Hey, don't get me wrong, Image vs Reality is real swell n all, but Commie Donny has got the corner on BOTH them fronts, and he's got the love letters and pee pee tape to prove it.
Fisting America while disrupting our own penned treaties and reducing our standing and former leadership in the World into a pathetic joke not making it first.