Okay, this needless fortnite hate has gone way, WAY TOO FAR! If you don't like fortnite, that's fine. Nobody is forcing you to like it. So why should you be forcing other people who like the game to give it up!? That's their decision, not yours. By that logic, I should be forcing my brother to play fortnite for hours on end when he doesn't want to. See how horrible that sounds?
3 ups, 4y
ye...i don’t really like fortnite..so i don’t play it...do people have to go as far to yell at people who do ands say “hAiL MiNeCrAfT” it’s a game...chill
Agreed, I may not like Fortnite, but I don’t tell my brother, “Hey, since you play Fortnite, go burn in hell!” This truly has gone too far. All in all, hate the games you hate in peace instead of forcing other people to give up the games they love.
yea, why the hate, fortnite is NOT terrable,i like it ,its not trash its actully still pretty good so why the unnecesary hate? if you dont like it,dont play it .just dont say bad things about it.
1 up, 4y,
2 replies
it's trash
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
said your parents when they first saw you. get over yourself.
0 ups, 4y,
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look in the mirror UGLY
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
i don't know, all i see is a person who's loved
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
boi all i see where u are is a trash gamer that plays trash gamer and 'bout a be WHOOPED with a belt
ok. but i hate it because thats all that people talk about. And psychologists say its bad because it has guns and is addicting. They are trying to make us stop playing. So they use fortnite as an example. Plus, its dead new. There is a link of guy hating memes as a psychologist https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/hot-thought/201302/why-memes-are-bad-idea
its only bad among us players with bad wifi lol bc we deal dmg that should kill ppl but the games like- you know that entire magazine of 30 bullets you shot in that guys head? yeah that didn't kill him try again. but you're reloading when he reks u
That second part is so true: You're fighting someone, you hit him a ton of times, but he doesn't die. But when you reload, he just one-pumps your face with a gold pump and you're dead
fortnite is not cringe. They got rid of all the bad things like Mech's and OG Vehicles that dealt a billion damage. Also The New Vehicles arent as op (expect for mudflap).