Qanon? WTF is that anyway? I have no clue so your accusation is baseless. Your re-written history is lying to you again. Read the Mayflower Compact. Oh wait you probably think Mayflower is a moving company. We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are endowed by their CREATOR-- oh that must be the slave owner. Try reading the founders original documents instead of what some Marxist professor says they say. Three branches of government is based on church government principles. Say that one more time and you are permanently disqualified from breathing again.
No conservatism on the right? You are truly ignorant. Do you think Mittens Romney and William (Billy) Crystal represent the right? Conservatism is why the Marxist thugs of the Democrat Party under the direction of Obama attempted a coup of a duly elected conservative president. Conservatism is why the democrat party conducted impeachment hearings of a conservative president who didn't do what the president elect actually did. If you don't fire the prosecutor (investigating Burisma Holdings and corrupt Hunter Biden) you don't get the billion bucks. Don't believe me call Obama. I'm leaving in 6 hours, and sum bitch, they fired the prosecutor. Yeah. This election was about character and liars. And the liars won. What do you have against the policies that led to the lowest minority unemployment in history? Oh yeah, Trump. The fascist. What do you have against real middle class income going up for the first time in decades? Oh yeah, Trump, the fascist dictator. What do you have against the first administration to actually catch and prosecute human traffickers? Oh yeah Trump. The fascist.
So which party wants to limit rights? My bet is you are duped into believing it's the Republicans. The democrats regulate the living shit out of everything. Evil Fascist Trump said get rid of 2 regs for every new one, (the bureaucrats did better than that 8 to 1) because regs aren't freedom. Fascism is a dictatorship and you probably believe the lie that Trump was a dictator. How did he lose an election, dictators don't even allow elections, much less lose. SO what freedoms did Trump destroy? The right to enter our country illegally? That's not a right when you add the law. The right to riot and burn other people's property?