It's likely not deadly for you, KF. So if you're in fear of it killing you, while perhaps not irrational, it's not supported by the science. I get it, if you catch the covid and it kills you, the science won't make you any less dead. I know you would never twist my words the way the media twists Trump's, but just in case, I'll mention again that I'm in favor of wearing masks, social distancing, washing hands frequently, etc., etc.
I'm also in favor of protecting one of the most at risk segments of our population; our seniors, unlike Democrat Andrew 'put covid-positive-patients-in-homes-with-seniors' Cuomo, who has blood on his hands.
What I'm not in favor of, is destroying a great economy that was providing jobs for all the demos you SJWs seem to want to keep on welfare and food stamps. I'm also not in favor of a covid-only approach in considering how to deal with this virus. *That* is irrational. What about spikes in alcoholism, depression, loss of livelihoods, suicides, spousal / child / senior abuse, unplanned pregnancies, homicides, heart attacks, strokes, etc? More will die from these, than from covid.
It's a little late to worry about destroying the economy. We need to worry about rebuilding it, which is where Trump is light years ahead of Biden. At least on the issues Biden hasn't tried to steal from Trump, like manufacturing jobs. Really? A democrat is going to pretend to care about jobs that president Obama said would never come back, but that Trump brought back? Amazing duplicity there. Almost reminds me of the 180 degree flippity-floppity that Biden and Harris had to go through to pretend like they don't want to ban fracking.
You can attempt to link covid to social issues and fringe conspiracy theories, and republicans in general, but I'm not buying it, as a rational person shouldn't. It seems like you're mostly interested in scaring people by raising unrelated social issues. That should work for you here on the flip, especially in politicsTOO, where there are plenty of people who desperately want to believe anything negative that you, or the media, says about Trump.
For the record, and tho I can't speak for republicans, I don't believe there are many left (unlike your democrats) who fear LGBTQ people, brown people, black people, working women, etc., etc. Your tactics are very DNC-like KF, and that's pretty weak.
I gotta say KF, in terms of effectiveness and making your case, this meme is petty weak, imo. 3 out of 10.