I said most European Nations have no cases, what I meant by that is they have such low amounts to America, you take everything literally, the Trump rally one is the same thing he got Covid-19 from a plane flight with one of his advisers in the White House. Trump didn't help the governors enough when he could have and should have, he eventually left them on their own. Also the last answer of your's was idiotic, Trump's the go***mn president he needs to take decisive action and he told the governors could do what they wanted. The Republicans opened up causing cases to spike, and the Democrats closed down so they can delay cases for as long as possible, It's working but as long as people don't take precautions this virus will live. Canada had about 189,387 cases, there was 9,664 deaths, and about 159,351 recoveries. Canada had done such a good job in isolating the virus, keeping their hospital capacity within their manageability so they can easily treat infected people. Now there aren't a lot of cases in Canada and other European Nations are doing somewhat the same.
Don't get triggered by the actual facts I'm stating.