Well, when the prince fell out of Rapunzel's tower, how come he didn't die but only got blind? How could a poisoned Snow White be cured by a mere kiss? How could a spinning wheel prick a princess causing her and all members of her kingdom to sleep for 100 years? How in their right mind would build a house out of cookies and candy.... Your house getting eaten by kids is the least of your problems, how about one rainy day? By the way a witch wanting to eat children... isn't that cannibalism? How was it possible red hood and her grandmother came out of the stomach of a wolf ALIVE? The same question can be asked about the six goats eaten by the wolf (the 7th was never eaten, since it hid itself in a grandfather's clock, remember?) Does it make sense for a princess to kiss a frog even after getting a gold ball out of the water for her? Can a very tiny fellow, no bigger than a thumb run while wearing the boots of a giant? (Terry Pratchet even described these boots, the 7-miles boots as boots that will mercilessly one foot 7 miles before the other, and he was pretty clear what happens to you when you use those boots as a result). Three little pigs each built a house, two of them were blown down by the big bad wolf, but the question is, are pigs even able to build houses in the first place, apart from the question if wolves can blow that hard.....
I guess fairy tales leave us with a lot of questions about things that are fare from logical, eh?